View Full Version : swollen cheek

16-06-09, 14:17
hey, i'm worried about my mum as one of her cheeks is swollen and i'm terrified she might have cancer. she doens't have any pain or no toothache or anything. could it be something harmless? or is there a good chance is could be cancer?
please reply - i can't stop worrying
Love louise

16-06-09, 14:27
Why doesn't she pop along to the docs to get it looked at.

Are you sure it isn't a bite or something?

16-06-09, 14:36
not sure what it is, it just appeared today. she said she was itching her eye quite badly could that cause it?

16-06-09, 15:51
Does your Mum suffer with hayfever? Is it the top of her cheek that is affected below the eye that has been itching, if it is then I would say it is an irritation or hayfever.

16-06-09, 15:57
yes she does suffer from hay fever but the swelling is more the bottom of the cheek. could it still be hay fever?

16-06-09, 16:52
What ever it is it is not cancer.:)