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16-06-09, 17:09
Shaken brain feeling!

I am beginning to get very frustrated with a kind of head ache I seem to get which is really hard to describe and no-one I have talked to has ever had something similar or when I have googled it - it also has never come up.

I have had so different head sensations but after a scan was told to try and relax but after developing an odd form of tinnitus that sounded like listening to silence magnified and with this other head ache I get I am now really confused and scared.

I feel as if I do anything that could involve jarring my head I avoid it, I used to dance but now I am so scared to as I just know it will start. Even jumping into bed or moving upwards even fairly slowly seems to create this shaken up brain feeling as if my brain has been round a tumble drier and stuck back in. Then I get like pressure head ache and if I turn my head I am then really aware that it feels like my brains loose and will hurt if I move my head quickly.

Of course now I expect it I cannot tell if that is partly to blame. I feel my muscles are very tight in my fore head and recently my doctor said it must be Sinus but was left stumped when I explained the shaken brain in head feeling. I do feel like I need glasses too as my eyes hurt and one is definitely not as good as it used to be.

Can anyone identify with this at all - I am very anxious and stressed but this is making me worse!!

Thank you to anyone who can help.:winks:

16-06-09, 18:05

I went through something very similar to this, each time I made a head movement, even during the night when I turned over my head would feel strange and I used to feel dizzy. For ages I used to avoid turning over in bed of moving my head quickly. Actually it was this sensation that really started my panic off. Even now when my neck and shoulders are very tense I get this sensation so I wonder if it could be tension that causes it to happen. I too have tinnitus from time to time. I did go to the doctors with this and they just put it down to anxiety.

Hope things improve for you soon .


16-06-09, 18:13
Thank you Carol,

Yep sounds familiar!
If I had another pain though somewhere else I am pretty sure I wouldnt concentrate my head - therefore not notice it!

Its just comforting to know I am not the only one x

16-06-09, 18:16
Glad to be of some help


16-06-09, 18:24
i get something similar to this mainly feels like pressure between my eyes just above my nose my doc also said this could be sinus but i still think it is mainly some form of stress also i sometimes find if i drink loads of water for a few days it sometimes gets better, also somtime i have tried the sinus sprays and they seem to help a little to.

16-06-09, 18:55
Hi Scooby - yes I get a terrible pain in-between my eyebrows and if I press it relieves it - just trying to work out whether the shaken head is connected to sinus - as last time I had it i did actually have sinus problems too!

17-06-09, 02:03
I get this too. Mines feel pressure on both sides of my head. not sore but if i sit up staight then it sort of goes away. i hate it!

17-06-09, 09:55
i get a dull pressure in my head, in the middle, it doesn't really hurt, just feels horrible, like there is a great weight on it. Funnily enough, it's when i have periods of depression from the anxiety

18-06-09, 11:41
this sounds a bit liek what I have and I too have not been able to find anyone else who has it. It feels mainly on the right side of my head and i can notice it lots more if its quiet. It feels like your brain is loose in your head. when I move my head quickly it feels as if my brain is moving. Its a horrible sensation and its always there so i end up either trying not to move my head or moving it to test if its going to happen. it makes me feel nauseous and anxious. I also have an annoying noise which sounds a bit like your ears popping when I swallow?!

23-06-09, 19:15
Hi Souldoubt,
you do sound like you have a similar thing - does it give you a head ache too? Do you notice a time when you get it the most. Strangely I am fine in the morning but by about 12-1 it comes on and lasts til evening!! Really horrible feeling!