View Full Version : Hi I am Matt

16-06-09, 18:26
Hi all, My name is Matt. Am interested in like minded people to chat to about the troubles of everyday life. I have had anxiety for a couple of years. I start wretching nearly every day, mostly in the morning. Usually wake up dreading the day ahead, I have developed bad anxiety when i leave my home town, travelling etc, kind of a close to home comfort thing i guess. I am always worried about my health. When people who don't understand anxiety say to me ' you have nothing to worry about, just get on with it' I wish it was that easy.
If people share these symptoms, i would love to talk.
thanks, matt

16-06-09, 18:29
Hi Matt

Welcome to the site, glad you found us. I think you will find many people on here who understand how you feel and there is lots of good advice and support.

Take care


16-06-09, 18:33
thanks Carol, much appreciated

16-06-09, 18:51
Hiya..i sure get all these symptoms too.mornings are awful when you wake up feeling sick an feeling like you can't cope with the day.feels like anxiety can just control you.aw yeah its annoying when people tell you to get on with it..it makes you feel like nobody understands you! x

16-06-09, 18:59
for sure!! some days are better than others, but it's generally bad every day. the doctoe tried to give me these betablockers, but i figure i can try and beat it all without medication. at least i hope so ;)