View Full Version : Am I alone?

16-06-09, 18:36
Am I alone on this? That I can feel lymph nodes on my body...a few in my neck, a few in my undearm?

Long story short... :( I am new to the forum. I thought I had tackled my anxiety and my fear of cancer, lymphoma and enlarged nodes. Well this weekend, for some reason, I decided to check my underarm and feel the node that has been present for a couple years now...make sure it hasnt changed. Whew! It hasnt okay good. But I decide to feel around elsewhere and find a node, smaller than a pea, near the edge of my breast...where it and my underarm would meet. It is small, and movable, firm but soft...and now Im worried. again.

A little of my history...I have had 2 lipomas removed (one from the underarm in question, the other from my back) and an adenoma removed from behind my right ear....I have had glands that are palpable for YEARS now...the ones in my neck...and a couple of them swell and decrease with colds/allergies, but never go away. These have been looked at by soo many docs through the years, for reassurance I guess...and finally a few years ago I had a CT done and all was clear, head neck and upper chest....well when I found these nodes in my underarm a couple of years ago, I asked my GYN about them and she referred me to a breast clinic for ultrasound...benign findings...explained to me that the other side even had some nodes that were slightly enlarged, and it could just be me, being thinner and having a more reactive immune system...

So you ask...why do I worry about this new one? Its a lump. One that I havent felt, and the unknown and uncertainty is getting to me! :( I am trying to tell myself that it was probably there when I had the other ultrasound, I was just so focused on the larger one that I didnt pay attention or hadn't noticed these....but that works for a few hours...then the panic starts to set in again and I think its some dreadful like lymphoma or breast cancer.

can anyone help me please? If you palpate your underarms and neck, are you able to feel nodes?

16-06-09, 19:16
No one?! :(

16-06-09, 19:30
Hi there, I am not an expert on lymph nodes, but understand your fears. No one likes to find a new lump, it always gets the alarm bells ringing, and no lay person such as myself can tell you that it is nothing. The best advice I can give you is get your mind put at rest by visiting the doctor. You have a lot of past experience of lumps and nodes and I am sure they will understand that you want this new one looked at. Chances are that it is nothing, but you need reassurance on this. I was in the same position just before last Xmas, an old lump felt different, so I was referred to the breast clinic and was told I was fine. I do wish you all the best, but please go.