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View Full Version : First panic attack over Swine Flu

16-06-09, 18:40
Just thought I'd share my experience today here..I was on the train and some guy behind me started coughing and I was positive he never covered his mouth. I ignored it at first then it got worse and my head started thinking of how swine flu passes and it kept going with negative thoughts.

I felt a yucky taste at the back of my throat and was convinced this was contamination. I ignored it for another few minutes then I started feeling sick and my body felt all numb and dizzy. I felt very out of touch so ended up running to the toilet and my head was spinning.

In the end it passed so I guess that's the positive but I'm scared of anybody coughing as you can't tell if it's normal flu or not. It was a very scary experience.. :blush:

16-06-09, 22:02
I'm sorry that you experienced this today. The chances of you catching swineflu are still very low. Most of the cases are relatively mild . Yes I have read about the unfortunate lady who contracted the disease in late pregnancy both she and her pre term baby have died. She had underlying health problems. A lot of the cases have been in Scotland where a lot of people life an unhealthy lifestyle which might have contributed to the disease. There will be an increase of cases in the Autumn as the 'flu' season starts. No doubt you will have received a leaflet through the post about what to do if you think you have the disease. If you travel regularily to a big city then it is not unreasonable take some hand gel for washing purposes. If someone couighs near to me or sneezes without covering it then I would try to move away from them. If I was feeling ultra confident I might offer them a tissue. At the moment your fears are reasonable if not unfounded. You have every right to fear this illness. It is keeping those fears in proportion as I know myself which is the problem. There are vacines but not enough for the whole population. I hope that you find a way to go about your daily life without this bothering you too much.

17-06-09, 13:16
I cant stand people who cough and sneeze all over the place.This is particularly a selfish attitude. After all !if you carry a tissue in your pocket it would stop people getting infected with cold and flu viruses. I caught the Flu before christmas and this was in Tescos.When I had recovered and was able to go shopping ,there was a man who was sneezing and coughing in the aisle we were in,out came our tissue s and we ran away to escapehim ,he continued to do this all round the shop.:mad: We didnt remove our tissue s until we reached the check out.We got some pretty odd looks :wacko: ,but WHO CARES. I wouldnt worry about Swine flu , any more than I would worry about getting a cold .the chances of contracting that are very very slim. You have more chance of winning the lottery apparently..Take care Sue x

24-06-09, 11:40
i'm also having increased panic attackes over swine flu, especially since i live in the worst effected area of the UK. my mum has been coughing and sneezing for weeks now, she is too stubborn to even get it checked out. i have felt like i have been becoming sick several times, but i can't be sure if those feelings are because of panic or what it is. i've been locking myself in my bedroom recently and havning no contact with anyone, out of fear that i will contract something. i also can't seem to stop myself from checking statistics (which i just did before this post :doh: ).

i really hate it. although i know it's not yet a serious threat, and that there's nothing i can do about it anyway, these thoughts don't really help. :huh:

16-07-09, 17:45
I just noticed there's a sub forum on swine flu now.

Yes it's causing me some concern seems pretty big now..alot of people falling ill or deaths.

It's all very well saying even if you catch it it may be mild..nobody can be sure..I'm worried to even cough...It's causing me real distress on the back of my mind...

16-07-09, 17:50
But you can't do anything about it Phil so there is no point worrying.

What will be will be and if you get it then you will deal with it.

16-07-09, 18:21
I cough a lot when my asthma is bad and I have recently got it under control. What I am saying is that not everybody who appears to be ill is ill. I would NEVER cough over anybody and usually cough into a tissue. My cough is pretty bad sometimes and it sounds as if I have a forty a day habit ( which I haven't)