View Full Version : So Worried Think I Have Lymphoma :(

16-06-09, 19:42
HI guys i am a 30 year old male have adhd odd and general anxiety and possibly hypercondria lol!!!

the problem is i had a upper respo tract infection snotty nose and stuff and i have since then (convinced my self it was before that lol) i have notice a swollen gland (feels like 2 but think its one ) on the side of my neck by the joint of the jaw ....kinda where i would think my tonsil is....

its swollen i guess 2-3 times the size of the non swollen one hte other side ....it feels like its worse in the morning ?(more swollen) and as the day goes on it goes down...and then in the evening comes up again...

went to the doctors and he said i had oral thrus ( got it of the wife ...sorry to be rude ><) and said there was no "alarm bells " being rung......
but it has been 3 weeks now and i got a constant sticky throat and the feeling of wanting to swallow all the time ...just feels like the morning after but always !!!...got no other symptoms and feel ok apart from the anxiety starting to really take its toll...i hate google but i cant help my self :( thanks guys and please HELP I AM GOING MAD HERE !!! LOVE EDDIE XXXX:shrug:

16-06-09, 20:09
cmon guys help me out here seriously think i am gonna go mad soon :( really really worried about it and cant get relaxed

16-06-09, 20:55
hi hun,
I have had a swollen gland in the side of my throat for about 3 months now, i have had blood tests which have all come back fine. your glands up because your body is fighting an infection, if you still have thrush in your mouth they will stay up til the infection has cleared. Did the doc give you anything for it? Also your glands can stay swollen for a long time after infection, and in my case the doc thinks ihave scarred gland from the flu.
Get some oral thrush med from the chemist it is cheaper than getting it on prescription, if your doc hasn't given you anything. Give yourself time to recover and they will go down hun.
Hope this helps

16-06-09, 23:34
thanks yes it does what would the symptoms be like if i had a problem would the gland come up and down and would it continually grow if i had a lymphoma cancer ???? or could it be like this ????

also if i had a small ear infection would that gland come up also as in the nasal drainaige causing the tonsil to be irritated ???

sory for being a wimp but really worried

18-06-09, 13:10
went to the doctor and he said all was ok was a viral condition and cosidered it not at all a risk.....

still there still hard and still worried about it ..think the docters is wrong how can they still be up afte the hthrush hasgone ..he did say i had pharygitus or laryngitus ...not sure which 1 but my throat is red but not really sore and i have a sticky feeling still ....any iseas guys ...

18-06-09, 13:54
yes your lymph nodes take forever to go down post infection. you are fine!

18-06-09, 16:10
so what you mean then is if it was any thing to worry about thne it would have been alarm bells ringing when the doctor had a look then ??

what would a swollen lymph due to lymphoma feel like then and would i deffo have other symptoms then thanks guys

18-06-09, 19:48
Superedd...I just wanted to tell ya, I have swollen nodes where you are describing, at the angle of my jaw, right underneath...on both sides....mine get VERY swollen when I have a sinus infection, or sore throat, or cold...and they never go away where I cant feel them..right now I am virus free and they are palpable...firm-ish...movable and about bean size. :) I hope this helps some!!

19-06-09, 09:23
thanks it does what i mean to say is in the morning its hard as hell and in the afternoon its going down and evening back up again and dc says the thrush is gone but after stopping meds my white toungue back again and still have sticky throat !!

19-06-09, 10:15
If you had lymphona your GP would of sent you for tests because as my GP said to me once, 'alarm bells go off'. They just know by looking at someone if they are very unwell and since nursing I know exactly what they mean now.

You haven't said any of the symptoms of lymphona so I wouldn't worry. It sounds to me like you have just a viral infection that will take time to clear, you are probably run down, hence the oral thrush.

I always have raised glands, that is just me but raised glands are a sign that your body is fighting infection, and as you said you have a bad throat at the moment then they are bound to be raised.

Is your throat sore? not sure what you mean by 'sicky'.

Rest up, eat well, get plenty of sleep and drink water. Take a multivitamin aswell if you are not eating well.

19-06-09, 14:02
soz typo its sticky lol as in its a need to constantly clear it and have an almost creamy taste to it ....

and when i do clear it my throat gets kinda craoky until i drink something .. the gland still up and down like a yo yo and i have no pain or "sore throat" to mention ..... any ideas