View Full Version : yet another headachey tired one! need reassurance!

16-06-09, 22:05
i used to be big on the headaches as a symptom of anxiety but hadn't got them for a while recently. since i started taking antihistimenes for hayfever i've been tired everyday (despite the fact they are "non drowsy") and today i have had a nasty headache for most of ther afternoon - it has mostly gone away but occasionally comes back when i do something such as strain for move a lot. i would say though i didn't drink much all day and it was very hot so i feel it may be down to dehydration. but the spot is in one particular place on the top of my head and feels like pulsing/pressure. i've been good recently and just need reassurance that this is dehydration / anxiety / hayfever and not something sinister such as a tumour :(
also does anyone else experience tiredness even with non-drowsy antihistimenes?

19-06-09, 23:30
Hi Kathy!

The headache is most likely related to dehydration. I'm in nursing school and my teachers say that most headaches come from not drinking water. Also - I'm convinced that anxiety can cause anything and everything! As I hypochondriac but a generally healthy person, I would know that. And just so you know any antihistamine can cause drowsiness. Don't worry about it!

Hope all is well,

20-06-09, 08:37
Claritin is "non drowsy" and I always get a little sleepy and sometimes light headed on it. Everyone is different. Also, the mind can do amazing things to your body. If you're feeling a bit tired and then you start thinking to yourself "uh oh... am I tired? what's wrong with me... I think I feel really sleeping..but I shouldn't be tired.... am I going to yawn (yawn) ...oh no! I yawned... I must be tired.." eventually your body will respond accordingly. Allergies can make you tired too. I would say as long as you aren't actually "nodding off" during normal activities (driving, shopping, etc) and you don't notice a severe increase in pain with the headache.. you're probably ok.

also..as has already beeen mention... dehydration CAN cause headache and fatique. In fact, those are 2 of the most common early symptoms.