View Full Version : im soo scared

16-06-09, 22:36
my cpn still never got back to me even when i wrote letter about how i felt at last appointment, even though pshychiatrist got in touch with them and hospital sent them a letter
do you think they hate me for what i put in the letter saying it made me mre anxious when people clock watch and sigh :shrug: :weep: i had to get it out i hope it didn't sound nasty but i had to write these things as i started to feel suicidal about the appointment we had, and now they not got in touch at all, i thought app was tomo, but its not until monday and im already getting worried about going to it:weep: :weep: im scared of what will happen now
they havnt even got in touch with my gp either, but gp knows it didn't go well last time as i told them about the student in there and me not being able to talk about anything:weep: im just totally stupid

16-06-09, 22:45
No, lonely, I don't for a moment think they hate you for what you wrote in your letter, so try not to worry about that.

And you're certainly not stupid. Try to be a little kinder to yourself, you deserve it.

16-06-09, 22:47
i know but when i put i hate it when people look at there watches and sigh, its what they did at appointment, they may be angru at this and hate me for it :(

17-06-09, 05:46
Hi lonely:hugs:

Next time maybe you could try asking if the student would leave because he or she makes you feel uncomfortable. You have that right.
Also when they look at their watches and sigh (very rude), you look at your watch and sigh.:)

Seriously though, they should give you as much time as you need.

Try not to worry about what you wrote. Better to get your feelings out somehow.

Unfortunately, even these 'professionals' can make mistakes. It's a shame you have to be on the sharp end when they do.

Be kind to yourself and be safe.

17-06-09, 07:59
Hi Lonely,

I agree with everyone else, they are probably not giving the situation as much thought as you are ( but in a good way) , they see lots of different people with different illness all the time , and they know that many people have very different ways of dealing with stuff. I once wrote a letter to my psychiatrist who i didnt know very well at the time, after a meeting with her didnt go very well, and i worried anxiously about it, so i wrote the letter explaining myself, and it was fine, she said that kind of thing happened all the time, try not to worry about their feelings, they have broad shoulders, its you that counts at the moment.

It will work it self out.
Be kind to yourself....

P x :flowers: