View Full Version : speech again

Rachel W
16-06-09, 23:08
Hi Guys,

I have been on here before but need some reassurance again...

I noticed some eye distortion in August 2009, but went to the doctor and they did not seem concerned as they checked my retina. However, this led to a fear of MS. I started to google... ughhh, big mistake and was always feeling that my legs were heavy and tired and that my movement in my hands were not as refined as they should be. So I panicked to the point where I was close to tears all the time.

A few weeks later I got some twitching, and I googled... big mistake...

I then worried about ALS. I then looked for other symptoms and after a few weeks worried about my swallowing. I swallowed so much that I made my throat sore, but then it went away (9 months later my swallowing is fine), however, then I started to notice issues with my speech (very minor). I concentrated on them all the time and I felt like they were getting worse, but the feelings of lack of fine movement in my hands continued along with twitching in random spots, but a lot in my hands.

I went to a neurologist who specialises in ALS, MG and EMGs and he gave me a clinical exam and said that he was sure I did not have anything but to be sure he would give me an EMG.
All was fine and he told me just before Christmas that he was 100% convinced that I am healthy and that anxiety was causing all of these symptoms.

After that I felt reassured but because my speech did not seem to get better after this (I think I only gave it a few days before worrying again) I went into slight panic again.

So, now I still have twitches (which have proven to be benign), but my speech is still bothering me. No one else can tell but it seems much harder for me to get sounds out especially if they are repetitive, and also the 'l' in already and words like just and monthly are more effort.

It would seem strange that a rarish disease would rear its head after looking for the symptoms, so I am asking again (sorry but need reassurance again) that anxiety can cause ongoing symptoms such as these.

Has anyone the feeling of thickness and extra work needed to get all the syllables of a word out? Sometimes I have to repeat words to say them properly, but everyone I ask say they don't notice so I am not slurring as such.

I am panicked about this all the time. It never leaves my mind.

I really don't want to go back to a doctor as I am now in the UK for a year and don't want to have to go through the wait to see a specialist.

Thank you


Rachel W
17-06-09, 22:04
I am very concerned that no one has answered. Can anyone offer reassurance as this silence is getting me even more worried... :(

18-06-09, 00:35
i get this too .. to the point where i think i sound like i'm slurring, or i mix words up. purely because i think about it and anxiety takes over me, it happens.. even when i'm not anxious. GAHHHH so annoying, i have to like slow down and force myself to relax when it happens. sometimes i think i'm doing it all the time. i swear if you let it go mentally, it will stop.

18-06-09, 00:36
i have just read about speech symptoms being a problem, therefore i have speech problems. also regarding your hand problems .. i think i have this too. can u elaborate? i feel like my hands are clumsy or something, like when i'm picking things up, holding things, pouring drinks, etc..

Rachel W
18-06-09, 00:48
My hand problems feel like things are heavier, but when I do strength tests they are fine. Sometimes it almost feels like an internal slight numb feeling and slight stiffness. Holding smaller objects makes it feel worse and I don't feel as adept.

As I had these symptoms on and off before I saw the doctor and had my EMG they worry me less than the speech.

The speech seems even worse today and it just seems like so much effort to talk and get my sounds right, and some repetitive sounds seem very difficult and impaired. Still no one says they can hear them though but i know the effort that is going into it.

The only thing that makes me feel better about it is that I only got symptoms after I looked for them and I am thinking about them all my waking hours so hopefully it is more like a self hypnosis perhaps that will need a lot of time (after I stop worrying about it). I just wish that I could have a couple of days where I don't think about it and maybe it would go away but every time I speak it is a reminder (and I am still thinking about it even when I am not...)

I just feel doomed.


18-06-09, 01:46
it's so in your head, and i know about your past experiences passing the neuro tests with flying colors. please remind yourself of this, and don't let that monster within (ANXIETY) eat away at you (as it has done to me all day!)