View Full Version : hi newbie!

17-06-09, 02:13
Hi all
I'm new!
you can call me kat, i'm female, 40 and live and work in the uk
i've had anxiety related issues for ages, just put up with it so far but i did see my gp a while back, he put me on cipramil which helped a bit but i wasnt on them for long; came off them after a few months, tried to do it the holistic way ie rest, exercise, healthy eating, which did work but now its come back
i do ocd type things, check, doubt, check etc and i worry all the time about work mainly and find it near impossible to switch off and relax although i do run and swim at my local sports centre which helps a bit and i try and read a book most days but it depends what my concentration's like, that and my memory are terrible at times
wow what a cheery post lol
i shouldnt grumble really, at least i'm here to moan about it
i'm so used to the anxiety now it's part of me!
anyway, any tips you can spare and hope i can offer support where i can from my own experiences which i can share

i know i should go back to my gp but im embarrassed, i know i iknow, why should i be? i just feel like sometimes i should stop thinking about myself so much and just get on with it but there you go, and other days i find it so hard to stop thinking and worrying
it does affect my job and my home life
i cant afford private therapy, well not for long,
anyway thats me
oh yes, i like music, books, cooking, keep fit and walking my dog:roflmao:

17-06-09, 06:32
Hi Kat,

I think you will find this site useful, from your post although your anxiety has come back and is troublesome, but you sound as if you are taking all the right postives steps to take back control, but please dont feel embarrassed about going back to your Gp, that is what they are there for, if you had a wound that needed stiches you would go to a doctor without being embarassed wouldnt you, its really no different....

best wishes

P x :flowers:

17-06-09, 12:11
thanks, what a nice welcome
yes i know i need to do something positive
talk soon:)

17-06-09, 12:16
Hi Kat

A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way

best wishes

di xx