View Full Version : Exposed nerve in tooth...

17-06-09, 03:04
I think I have an exposed nerve in my back top left tooth. I am terrified of the dentist, and it's not causing me excruciating pain yet, but I am scared it will and I won't know what to do. Is there any painless way to kill the nerve? Or at least make it not hurt? When I apply any type of suction to it, it causes me pain. The gum almost does this thing where it "flips" up, will this heal on it's own? I am so scared of having to go to the dentist, it almost makes it hurt more. Does anyone have any idea of what to do for this to make it stop?

17-06-09, 03:54
Hi I'm only a dental hygienist but is the pain constant or does it go away after a couple of seconds? It it sensitive to hot and cold? If pain is constan then u may need a root canal. but if i was u i would go and have it checked out. All they will do is take an xray then the doc will tell you what he thinks treatment will be and then u can decide if you want to do it or not but have them explain everything to u first and ask quetions. dont stress over it. How long have u not been to a dentist?