View Full Version : Irritated! i hate liars especially about anxiety

17-06-09, 03:09
Well a friend of mine
a very close friend
about a year ago she had this 'aweful' incident
in reality, it was nothing, and no i am not being insensitive
or not understanding
ive had a lot worse happen to me, ive actually been abused in the way she is saying, she simply got touched on teh arm by a stranger

she has always been known for being an attention seeker
her mother and father dont believe her, my parents dont, i dont, all of my friends dont, ive spoke to a few of her friends and they dont.
This simple situation she tried to get attention off of was blown out of proportion by the wrong person hearing it.

since then i would talk to her about my anxiety
for instance
'today i had this aweful feeling in my heart like ive never felt before'
and then the next day she'd say 'oh i had this really bad heart pain earlier'

another would be
i would say 'i cant calm down, i feel liek i cant breathe or relax' etc
and she postedon a website how she couldnt relax or breath or calm down

she says she has multiple panic attacks a day, but ive been with her tonnes and she has NEVER had one infront of me.
her friends say she never does when shes out
only when someone asks her how she feels does she suddenly start 'fake shaking' (not my words, someone elses)

it makes me upset because ive been agoraphobic housebound for 2 years, i left school and dropped my entire life.It feel liek shes taking the p***
i know you will all say your sure shes not faking it
but trust me
she is
it does my head in that some people can actually lie about this

its bull
ive never heard of someone having ptsd over being drunk and touched on the arm, especially with the way she dresses, stiletto heels and tight clothes, my mum said 'shes practically beckoning them on'

She sleeps with endless rows of guys but says guys cause her panic attacks

sorry for a long post but im just so angry ='[ i wish i had the choice of faking anxiety =@
it makes me angry for people like me and you whor eally suffer

17-06-09, 14:41
She sounds like she is an attention seeker to me.I wouldnt take any notice of her and would try to keep my distance from her for a while.She is obviously making you feel annoyed.Perhaps she is really lacking in confidence underneath.I definately wouldnt confide in her. Dont let her get to you,its her problem not yours.Take care Suex

17-06-09, 15:52
Take comfort from the fact that no one seems to believe her....she is just making herself look silly and attention seeking. You seem really sure that she does not have any anxieties, but the fact that she has to make them up may mean that she is not a s confident as she seems. You and I know that we would never make up panic attacks and anxiety as it is so real for us and affects our whole life. You say she is a close friend but she is doing you no good whatsover so maybe you need to step back a little and if you do not confide in her she has nothing to 'go one better than' with and (better@and) may stop fabricating incidents. You can get a lot of support here hon. XXX

17-06-09, 23:53
thank you guys
it really gets me down so much that she takes the mick and fakes it
and the worst thing is people on websites like this, and a few of her friends, really feel sorry for her and offer her advice
when really i think shes just lonely and sad and craves attention from whatever she can get

i only wish i could fake it lol


18-06-09, 00:38

I understand how annoying this is for you, yes wouldnt it be lovely for us to be able to switch our anxiety off and on !
If she is faking it and by the sounds of it it is likely, she will get caught out , and there will be no doubt what she has been doing, but i agree with the others, there is a reason for for this type behaviour..... so in a way you should pity her that she feels the need to recieve attention in this way.
I also agree with mmac43 perhaps for a while anyway, you should distance yourself form this girl, if she has no information she cant ' perform' . It would be interesting to see what would happen.....

keep your chin up,

P x :flowers: