View Full Version : hot flushes

17-06-09, 07:29
can anyone tell me if they get realy hot flushes and are woken up at night by them i woke up last night with one sweat then started to pour of me i then panicked got my blood preasure monitor out but could not get it down i have a thing about my heart and im allways on this machine

17-06-09, 08:02
the reason you cant get your blood presure down is because you were in a high state of anxiety,because you were scared about sweats,, thats all i have a moniter,the worst thing you can do is take bp when in a state,, as it akes your bp shoot up thats because of adrenilin rushing around your body ,,i can say the sweats are just another symtom i get them,,or feel hot for no reason,,try not to take bp all the time as italters all day long never the same ,,i was a nurse so i know ,anxiety is awfull,i have started taking zanax it is great takes the symtoms away,should see docter there the best drug i have taken in 2 years ,,hope this help margaret:unsure: :D

17-06-09, 08:11
Hi melvin,

i havent been bothered by this myself, but my husband has, he even went as far as going to the Gp, had a whole lot of tests done, all normal, and he has perfect blood pressure., i think although its annoying and uncomfortable i dont think its anything to worry about, and getting out the bp monitor wasnt the best idea, it was going to be up with all the adrenalin running around.

I speak from experience, iam the same as you, i put the bp machine away after one horrible day about a year ago, like you couldnt get it down, keep taking it , all day long, got myself into a right state, went to my practrice nurse in tears, we had a chat, and i could see taking my bp want doing me any good, in fact it was making it a whole lot worse, so i try and resist the temptation to go near it now, bp monitors do have their place and are useful, but for people like you and i they just make things worse.

Kindest regards

P x :flowers:

17-06-09, 18:03
thank you both for that advise it puts my mind at rest and i will keep away from the bp

17-06-09, 18:31
Last night was an extremely hot night as well, I am a cold soul and even I woke up really sweaty, so maybe the air temperature was a contributing factor too. Also my other half gets night sweats - there is nothing physically wrong with him; he just gets them sometimes, also gets them if he has a nightmare. Please don't worry too much. If they happen every night, especially if it a cold night then I would suggest you visited your GP. Hope this helps.