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View Full Version : Help!! I'm going to lose it any minute.

17-06-09, 08:51
Feel awful. Can't cope. Anxiety all day till bedtime for days now. Daughter been staying. Should be better but not.I can't stand not having a calmer spell for this long. Why is this happening. Don't know what to do. Feel like I'm going mad again. Meant to be going away at weekend to concert in Glasgow (plane trip from here) maybe that's it? I can't stand this.... is anyone there?:weep: :weep: :weep:

17-06-09, 10:20
maybe it is the thought of going out of your comfort zone thats brought it on so bad , i feel for you its horrible to have every day im exactly the same hope it settles soon for you


17-06-09, 11:15
hello i feel for you,like the answer before sounds like your panicing about trip,, i have been as bad as you are now ,,but then docter put me on zanax they take all the symtoms away its fantastic truly are see your docter no need to suffer like this my friend ,,i knw a lot of folk on here dont like med but if they stop these bad feelins ,,i think better than suffering this hell hope this helps:)

17-06-09, 12:02
I know exactly how you feel I've just had a spell like that it lasted for 5 days and it was hell. To cope i just accepted it and tried not to be scared by it and it finally went away. Keep having moments where it flares up though, but im just keeping calm. I'm on citalopram and they seem to help a bit.

17-06-09, 18:33
Thank you for your replies. I'm hoping it will ease soon!!:blush: Your med sounds good but I really don't want to go down that road if I can possibly help it.
The trouble is when I'm anxious all day like this I am already frightened about tomorrow and feeling the same tomorrow and it's only 6 o clock. This of course means I probably will feel awful again. I can't seem to get out of this loop.:weep:

18-06-09, 02:42
Hey Mojo

I bet your going to see TAKE THAT:)

I live right next to the venue and I will have to listen to them hehe only joking. In fact they have got better as they have got older but hey I get 3 nights of live music...

Remember all your breathing
Thoughts cant hurt you. well unless you print them on a brick and then play keepeeeeeeee up:)

You will have a great time


18-06-09, 06:22
you say you dont want togo down the road of meds but why suffer when you dont have to,i dont like taking meds but if they help with this then why not,but its your choice at end of the day good luck and health

18-06-09, 17:33
Hi ~

Newcomer here. Felt a need to reach out. I spent so much of my life feeling just like Mojo is feeling right now. And just like him/her, I completely resisted the notion of looking into medication. As a person who, with the help of a 12-step program, has retained sobriety for some 30 years now, I felt, surely I should be able to just breathe this or pray this away. But I just couldn't seem to do it on my own, so consulted physician to see if we could come up with a plan.

She suggested trying Zoloft (have it in generic too). At my request we tested it out beginning with 25 mg. When I was comfortable that it wasn't harming me (I hate medicine), we sent to 50 mg. and finally arrived at 100 mg. which seems to be just right for my symptoms.

What I have found is it has erased almost all of the anxiety I would experience prior to any type of event -- also alleviated a lot of my unfounded phobic fears of enclosed spaces, heights, edges. With the medication, in addition to a conscious shift in my head to the fact that it's okay to "let go", I'm doing a lot better with life than I was.

Please do take care ... I wish you peace.

19-06-09, 08:43
Thank you for your messages of support. Yes, I am going to see Take That! My sister and I are going with our daughters. (the girls are grown women themselves, so that tells you something about how old we are!)
Was anxious all day yesterday until evening when it all just faded away. How good to have a anxiety free evening. Today, shaking, anxious, feeling awful again. The flight is at 6 o clock tonight so no doubt I'm panicking as it's getting nearer. Don't know how I'm going to cope with a weekend away but am determined to do it. Back Sunday night. Will let you know how it goes.:blush: x

19-06-09, 09:44
Hi gosh I know how you're feeling. We're about to book a holiday this weekend on a cruise for a special occasion. The trouble is the last time we went on a cruise for a special occasion was when my panic attacks started completely out of the blue three weeks before we went. Since the thought of booking this holiday, they've already started to reappear!! I had to take citalopram last time and because I want to do the cruise really, I am willing to take them again even if it just ties me over past the date of the holiday. I just hate the attacks. Unless you've experienced them you can't explain them. I'm sitting here at work with a slight shakyiness all over - I think I'm more frightened of the attacks than the travelling.........

Take care of yourself I find this website really helpful - hope you do to.

p.s. contrary to my username, I am female :-)

23-06-09, 09:16
Well, I'm back from the Take That concert. I left here on Friday evening with my sister to get the plane to Glasgow (half an hour flight). Stayed with my daughter and her husband. I was very anxious and wasn't sure i would make the concert. However, I went with my sister, my daughter and my niece. I hated the crowds as we went in but my daughter was great and held on to me the whole time. The concert was very good and I did enjoy it, although remaining anxious to a certain extent throughout it all. Sunday evening my sister and I headed to the airport in Glasgow for our flight. It was cancelled! They put us up in a hotel for the night (I thought I would collapse with the stress). However, I survived. Next day back to airport and planes cancelled again due to bad fog here at home in Islay. Eventually they arranged a coach to take us to Kennecraig ferry terminal (3 hrs. in bus) I hate buses and panicked a bit again before I got on, but then enjoyed the journey quite well!! (big shock). Finally a two and a half hr. ferry journey back to Islay, which I also managed without too much anxiety! If I had been told all this would happen before I went I would never have gone! But I did it. I can't believe it.:ohmy:

23-06-09, 09:19

25-06-09, 19:00
Yay you did it - and you enjoyed the bus journey!!!


25-06-09, 19:15
It's probably the concert which has triggered anxious feelings, plus your daughter staying brings a certain pressure however enjoyable it might be since you have to attend to your family relationship when things seem hard enough for you alone as it is.

Try to appreciate the here and now, this very second, this moment won't come back again so use all 5 senses to savour what it means. How joyful the smallest things can be if we choose to use emotions like excitement, wonder and love if we just open our hearts to them instead of everything being on a sliding scale of fear.

I know it's easier said than done. I wish you inner peace and happiness.