View Full Version : Over-Sensitive - Please could I have your views

17-06-09, 10:16
When feeling vulnerable and in a state of depression, how can we stop ourselves from becoming over-sensitive ?

I've always struggled with this and when feeling this way, I cry about almost everything.

I'm finding things really hard to explain, to express myself in a rational way. I'm so full of emotion right now, I mentally feel i'm made from glass.

Thanks in advance.

17-06-09, 11:44

I wish i had the answer for you hun but i don't. What i do know though is what you are feeling is completely normal and common with anxiety.
I get times where i could burst into tears at the drop of a hat, i take EVERYTHING the wrong way. I get jittery and jumpy. The slightest noise and i would practicaly jump out my skin (And that's alot of skin gal) Lol.
I also get very snappy and moody.

I know it's hard Katie but try to ride it out. Don't think to much about it.
P.s Sometimes a good cry works wonders hun

Big hugs


17-06-09, 12:03
sorry your feeling not good again , but im same as you katie spend half my life crying at the moment it is good to let it all out though,hope your feeling better soon


17-06-09, 12:04
Hi hun, its exactly that, you nerves are sensitised by the anxiety state, this means every emotion feels much more intense and raw. I don't really have an answer I am afraid, I am feeling just the same at the moment. I just wanted to let you know there are others out here feeling exactly like you. I guess when the nerves finally calm down we will react less emotionally to everyday things.

Hang in there, I'm with you on this! XX

17-06-09, 12:34
Hi Katie,I dont have an answer either hun.But we all feel sensitive like this at times.Its sometimes does you good to let it all out. Youve come through this before and its not for ever.Just keep telling yourself that . Hope you feel better soon ,be kind to yourself ,you are a lovely person.Hugs SUE:hugs: X