View Full Version : aching legs

17-06-09, 10:51
I know this is a sign of anxiety but Im really worried about it maybe being a blood clot or something as I do tend to sit down ALOT.

I also lean with my elbows on my thighs all the time and sit sometimes with my right leg say crossed/resting on top of the other one.

Ive tried to stop doing all these things and have started doing some squats and using my exercise bike but my legs are still really aching.

I do suffer anxiety and my legs do feel really tense so it is most probably this.
I also get tingling sometimes on the back of my legs which feels weird.

Does anyone have any tips to stop my legs from aching and for them to be more relaxed becuase sometimes I can hardly stand due to me tensing all day without realising :weep:


17-06-09, 12:04
when your tensed, you tense your whole body up & squeeze your muscles in. Even when you don't realise you are doing it. When I first started with anxiety, I had that with my legs too & I was in lots of pain but I realised it was me cos I was forever tighting my muscles without thinking. Try doing some relaxation excercises & taking some walks. x