View Full Version : Blaotedness

05-09-05, 20:08
I was wondering what effect bloatedness has on the chest and lungs etc.

As i am really really bloated have been like it for awhile now it just wont go away and i keep getting chest pain and feeling like i cant breath properly is the bloatedness to blame or is it something else i always think the worst though which i know is not good.


05-09-05, 21:11
hi Andrew I always got the bloatedness real bad even had pad tummy pains with it and i thought the worst, untill i had lots of tests, like barium enema and sygmoidoscopy and it turned out to be IBS. I am not half as bad now i dont worry about it and know what it is. But still get the tight chest pains and breathlessnes so i think it has to be anxiety cos i have had it so long. take care, Vernon

05-09-05, 23:48
Hi Andrew

I havent suffered it on the chest but at the monent i am having real problems with my stomach being bloated. I am sure it is all anxiety related but whatever i have tried recently hasnt worked.

Have you tried anything?

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

07-09-05, 17:20
Hi Andrew as an asthma sufferer myself i find i get bloated quite often. Being bloated puts pressure on your lungs it sort of like feel like someone is crushing you and you cant breathe right, often causes me chest pains if the bloatedness is there for a long length of time. have you tried windeze or drinking something fizzy to make you belch? i find windeze works for me, i darent try the latter incase it makes me feel worser than i already do! hope you manage to get rid of the bloatedness, andrew i know exactly how it feels.

07-09-05, 17:33
I don't think the bloatedness has any bad effect on the heart or lungs. I think it's more a feeling than anything else. Drinking those Actimel drinks can really help..:D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

08-07-06, 02:32
Hi there. There are tablets available in the UK called Motilium 10 that might help you out with the bloated stomach symptoms. They help with feeling sick or queasy and stomach ache.


08-07-06, 09:49
hi Andrew,

i have suffered with bloatedness and chest pains and breathing probs all through my anxiety and because i have health anxiety it makes me worse.

I decided to go to the doctors as i was suffering a lot from indigestion also. after going to the docors a few times they decided to do a test to see if i had a condition called 'hellicobactor pylori' they just do a blood test and this came back as positive. they treat it with a 3 in one antibiotic for a week. i found having taken the antibiotics that i still had the syptom but not as bad.

my sister in law recommended that i went to see a kinesiologist who told me that i am suffering from "candida" which is a fungus overgrowth of the gut. it basically makes you feel awful no energy, thrush like symptoms low self asteem, indigestion, chest pains, nausea the list is endless. i was told to have a wheat free diet for 4 weeks and also refrian from eating things like mushrooms, plums, melon these all have fungus in them which then makes the condition worse also alchohol. It sounds really harsh but in the long term it made me feel 10 times better.

have a look on google for the symptoms of CANDIDA and you will be shocked.

anyway if you need to Pm me please feel free to

take care hope things get better for you

ruth x x

08-07-06, 14:40
I had bloatedness for about 5 or 6 months a couple of years ago, i was also completely washed out & when i went out in the evening i couldnt last past 11pm when i would normally stay out til about 2. Alcohol made it worse. I found it came on after i ate or drank anything at all everyday, it worried me lots at the time & i dont know why it went in the end it just did so i cant help with the cure thing. I could only put it down to stress at the time really.
Caz xxxx

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