View Full Version : adrenal gland tumour convinced I have one

17-06-09, 13:46
I'm so stupid, I've just watched Casualty from last week and someone on there had an adrenal gland tumour. So silly me went and looked up the symptoms when what he had on the show sounded a bit like me. I have so many of the symptoms which are anxiety and panic attacks, flushing, sweating more than usual, pallor etc.

I know all this can be down to anxiety alone but it's set my head off thinking especially as I've had such bad backache for weeks and the adrenal glands are on the kidneys so would maybe cause back pain.

I need to stop watching these shows, if I had all the things on them I'd have been dead 10 times over.

17-06-09, 15:59
Oh hon...You do not have an adrenal gland tumour!! This is health anxiety and I long ago stopped watching programmes like Casualty and ER. You said yourself ..'if you had all the things you imagined....' You will be fine, think positive and if the backache continues to worry you go see the Dr....it still won't be an adrenal gland tumour! XXXXHugs XXX

17-06-09, 20:37
I actually had a test for this as they thought that was what was wrong with me, my adrenaline was going wild at one time. The test came back negative but the guy said it would have been a very simple operation if that had been the problem.


18-06-09, 10:16
Thanks for the replies. I just feel in a constant state of panic as in it never switches off and I hate it. Getting hot flushes (don't go red but I get so hot all over and get a sweaty back, sorry to be gross lol) and feeling so tired. Probably just all down to my anxiety though so will have a chat to my Dr when I go back

18-06-09, 11:34
Hi I too thought i might have this. I do have a cyst on the top of one of my kidneys. So i thought maybe that might affect your adrenal gland. Would definately explain my adrenaline going out fo control! I'm going to have an ultrsound soon to make sure it hasn't grown. I have a lot of kidney pain especially if I drink alcohol.