View Full Version : Just an Update on My Dizziness

17-06-09, 14:50
Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to pass along an update. I just got back from my long-awaited appointment with the ENT. He thinks that I have vestibular neuritis(vertigo resulting from a past virus). I am scheduled for an MRI at 12PM today as well. I have to go again next week to get the dizzy tests with the lights and stuff, physical therapy in a balance machine, and then a check back in 6 weeks.

I'm dreading these tests as I hate to be dizzy!!! I don't even like to ride amusement park rides! Anyone who has been through the tests and can offer some support, I'd appreciate it :).

Also, I've recently been put on 10mg of paroxetine(Paxil). My family doctor feels that this general "I just feel like crap" feeling could be due to depression. I didn't argue. It's been a week since I started and I'm already feeling better. Maybe it's just my positive and hopeful attitude, I'm not sure. But aside from getting used to the jitters and shakes(a side effect)...things are going well for now! I haven't had one negative thought since last week.

Thank you so much to everyone for your continued support!

17-06-09, 15:10
ive not been through those tests but just wanted to say good luck with them