View Full Version : ive tried kalms and bach rescue remedy...now what???

17-06-09, 17:49
Hi all, Ive had my 2nd bout of stress (im 26) for the last 2 months now.
i dont really wanna go back on citalopram as I have been off them for years now.

i tried kalms as first and they did nothing. i then tried the bach resue remedy for a week and they too did nothing. i then tried bach cherry plum and white chestnut (for irrational thoughts and fear of going mad), and guess what- they did nothing too!!!

has anyone got any ideas what else i can try , as I fear getting worse, and then depression making a special guest appearance!

wud appreciate any advice from you guys- for some reason i just dont wanna bite the bullet and go to the docs

freudian nightmare
17-06-09, 19:09
Hello, I'm similar to you don't like going to docs and feel meds are last resort if i can help it, i'm taking st johns wort at the moment for depression and anxiety but it takes longer to get in the system like natural remedies tend to. Have you ever gone for counselling or cbt they are sometimes better than taking meds, as for anxiety valerian is supposed to be good but i think that may be in kalms not sure. I find aromatherapy good too lavender, neroli, melissa, ylang ylang are all good for stress hope that helps.