View Full Version : How long do you spend on NMP?

House fan
17-06-09, 18:50
No more panic has been a valuable tool for many members in order to learn more about nervous exhaustion, to receive reassurance about certain symptoms, and to help them see the future more brightly.

Sometimes we all take certain things for granted. I have been on numerous sites like this, yet I have not found one even remotely as good as NMP.

I was wondering, just how many hours a week do you spend on NMP, and more importantly, what would you do if the site closed tomorrow?

17-06-09, 18:55
I come here every day, perhaps an hour in the morning and slip in briefly in the afternoon. Id be lost without this site. Ive made some good friends in chat and the saturday quiz is good fun.
Thank you nmp!
Carol xx

17-06-09, 20:08
when i first found it (especially bc of my HA) i searched and read and searched for hours on end, all day every day. i finally slowed down after accepting more and more that my symptoms are a lot like what others experience and due to my anxiety. now i go on once a day just to check updated posts, post replies, or occasionally to calm myself down if i'm in a panic.

17-06-09, 20:35
Similarly to Just bananas - When I first found the site, I was on it all the time, posting for reassurance, searching, reading all the HA posts, but now I have calmed down (a bit!) and I come on here when I have a 'dip' and need some support to manage the pain I have or another HA crops up. If it went away tomorrow I would be very sad and hope that someone would set up something similar!!!

18-06-09, 11:46
I come on this site each time I switch on my computer, after I've checked my e mails and usually spend over an hour on site, but it varies how many times a week I come on line. I have been a member since August 2008 and to be honest would hate to be without this site. It has made me look at my anxiety and ways to help it, and I feel that I can ask any question on here and get honest replies. It is the best thing that has happened to me to help my HA.

18-06-09, 17:20
I come on every day to check new posts & do the Pub Quiz! If I'm feeling good I'll only spend a few minutes in the Forum but if I'm going through a bad patch I could spend hours.
I'd be lost without it. Everyone is so understanding - and you can get good hard info as well to suppor the reassurance.

18-06-09, 18:34
I thought you may want my input lol.

When I am working I do not come on in the day unless another admin asks me to look at something. The reason for this is that my internet access is monitored at work so I didn't want NMP coming up as a site I am on all day as then people start asking questions etc and I decided to keep my life on here separate from work.

So most days I would not be on here until the evening after 6.30 pm and then I would stay on until I went to bed at 12pm ish.

Now I am off work I am on and off all day but do not reply to as many posts as I used to unless I feel I can offer some input or point someone in the right direction of other posts etc.

There is a lot that goes on in the background with NMP that is not always obvious - simple things like the packing up the NMP shop orders, updating the shop with new stock and ordering new stock for it; preparing for the conference that we had 2 weeks ago meant printing and folding leaflets and updating all the material each year; looking into chat room problems which can be very very tiresome to read chat logs and get both sides of a complaint that is made; replying to emails as all the "contact us" emails come to my email account; adding member's stories; adding member's poems; helping members get registered and then post on here; replying to any problems/complaints; replying to media requests and getting all the information for that to post; managing spam posts and the occasional arguement we have on here; posting birthday messages if I have that member in my Birthday calender .... the list goes on.

So I am usually on at the moment in the day but back to work soon so will be less visible in the daytime and then having to catch up at night!

Some days it can be a full time job and other days everything is quiet and ticks over nicely - you never can tell.

Don't worry about us closing though cos that won't happen! When I was in hospital for 8 weeks the other admins helped me out tremendously (as they do every day on here) so even when I am not around nothing changes and NMP goes on as usual :yesyes:

18-06-09, 20:35
Hi house

My days vary, but like Nic explains, there is so much work behind the scenes here at NMP.

In all honesty, some days i am here about 5 hours off and on and yet others it could be 10, more even.

I am really glad you find the site so helpfull and it is lovely to have you onboard!

Take care

18-06-09, 21:11
I depends, but I never log out.

18-06-09, 21:42
NMP in just a couple of months has become my most important website. I'm probably here for an hour a day at present for various activities.. plus a quiz now of course on a Saturday. I've been online since the web began virtually; various sites for business, source for much research with work, eBay, banking, all the usual stuff.. gaming... google, the news.

But there is no site I've ever found that offered ME so much support, value, enlightenment, comfort and a true feeling of fellowship than NMP. Nic's work is faultless; I've yet to find a typo in a forum! From her own experience came something of tremendous wealth and value in terms of spiritual comfort for a vast number of people looking for empathy, understanding and support.

It would also be fair to add without getting overdramatic that without the availability of NMP to express myself in the written form in the way that I do, then the journey I am going through and am now possibly at the most critical stage of, would without a shadow of doubt have been way harder than I think it already is.

The question simply asked at the beginning... how much time... because of the atmosphere of this living, breathing (in for 7 and out for 11) constantly updated and changing community; as much time as I NEED. It's all here.

As for if it went offline.. I must utilise my CBT non anticipatory strategies and not go to "what if.." land. I got flappy the other week when the site was slow to load! :-).

RESPECT. SO MUCH RESPECT for NMP, Nic and her team of supporters. Liam xx