View Full Version : Hin1 Flu!!!!

17-06-09, 21:06
Ok so what can i do to protect myself from that h1n1 flu, its crazy now we have 2 dead people here in Winnipeg, and there is 220 case i think and 31 people are under ventilator in hospital…. I am freaking out….The men 40 who died yesterday was not know to have any medical problem :ohmy: and the women well she had underlying medical problem so before they said that it only hit people hard who have underlying problem so I was telling myself that if I get it I will be fine but now that the 40 year old men died …. And its in my age range I am 41 well I don’t like this too much…I also take the public transit! Do I exaggerate…. My bf told me to stop worring about it there is nothing I can do … just be cautions… and the goes the men that died who know how healthy he was .. maybe he was smoker or did not eat properly and maybe he had aid… we won’t know until they do an authopsy..

So what should I boost my immune system or no..since even healthy died… men or men.

18-06-09, 09:47

Like avoinding the common cold there is actually very little you can do unfortunately. I think they predict that over 50% of the population will get it in the UK (don't know about where you are). Just follow government guidlines and if you get symptoms go to your dr's. The VAST majority of people recover completely - and their immune systems are stronger for it! The only thing you could do is stop smoking if you smoke.

Jess xxx

18-06-09, 14:44

Like avoinding the common cold there is actually very little you can do unfortunately. I think they predict that over 50% of the population will get it in the UK (don't know about where you are). Just follow government guidlines and if you get symptoms go to your dr's. The VAST majority of people recover completely - and their immune systems are stronger for it! The only thing you could do is stop smoking if you smoke.

Jess xxx

hi Jess!
Thanks for the reply, i live in Winnipeg Manitoba (Canada) here there is a large population of Aboriginal people a lots of this nationality are in the hospital under ventilator but the gov don't really want to say for sure how many but one of the reason there is so many aboriginal has it is because they have no running water and stuff so the quality of life is low... anyway they are here under ventilator... but almost every day there is like 30 to 34 people who is been diagnostic with it.. we don't know which nationality but .. it freak me out....

I don't smoke i never smoke.. the only stuff i have is eczema a bit in my hands an allergies ... I don't know if this is consider to be a healt problem! I just don't like because i take the city bus and notice that there a lots of people sick so I really wonder what it will be like this falll

Also i wonder should i take the flu shoot, i never had one i my life...

Oh men... screary... some of my friends told me that i should start to take supplément like Vit D3, multi-vitamin, garlic and probiatic... its good for you!!!

But little nervous about my son he never listen he is 16 and boy i have a hard time to tell him to wash his hands and not touch anything when is in the bus but it goes to one ears and to the other in a second...:mad:

18-06-09, 15:37
The trouble with this flu is that it is new and highly reported in the media. Every year people die of influenza but that isn't reported because people flu is so common that death from it isn't really news. The fact that people are dying from the swine flu shouldn't really be surprising since any flu could have the same effect. Getting a flu shot won't do anything for this particular flu since it is a different strain that isn't covered in the regular flu shot although they are working on getting a shot out for it. Try not to worry too much about it, just take the regular precautions you would take during flu season and you should be fine. I actually read a news article a while back that said a number of people that died from the swine flu had underlying heart problems. Either way I have read a number of times that the swine flu isn't any more severe than our regular influenza.

Hi Icysmoooth!
So if its a new flu does this mean that everyone will get this some day? If they do get the flu shoot for this flu or a vaccine for it...do you think its safe to take it.... i have never had a flu shoot in my life! Here in Winnipeg there is a men of 40 year old and suppesely he had no underlying health problem and he died... that kind of freaky....

Do you think that to boost you immune system would help like if i would take a multivitamin and stuff like that!!!

18-06-09, 16:06
Ok so what can i do to protect myself from that h1n1 flu, its crazy now we have 2 dead people here in Winnipeg, and there is 220 case i think and 31 people are under ventilator in hospital…. I am freaking out….The men 40 who died yesterday was not know to have any medical problem :ohmy: and the women well she had underlying medical problem so before they said that it only hit people hard who have underlying problem so I was telling myself that if I get it I will be fine but now that the 40 year old men died …. And its in my age range I am 41 well I don’t like this too much…I also take the public transit! Do I exaggerate…. My bf told me to stop worring about it there is nothing I can do … just be cautions… and the goes the men that died who know how healthy he was .. maybe he was smoker or did not eat properly and maybe he had aid… we won’t know until they do an authopsy..

So what should I boost my immune system or no..since even healthy died… men or men.

Your boyfriend is right and considering the population of Winnipeg is 648,000 I think you will be OK.

Just wash your hands after handling things such as money and shopping trolleys etc.:)

18-06-09, 16:42
I never used to get a flu shot but since I had my son (he's 3 now) I have gotten one to lessen the chance of getting sick and passing it to him. But, it really is a matter of personal opinion on getting flu shots. When I didn't get them I rarely got sick and if i did it was pretty mild so I was never really worried. If you are fine with not getting a flu shot then there is not necessarily a reason to run out and start getting one now. If they came out with one for this particular flu and it would make you feel better to get it then by all means get it, if you are worried it might be unsafe try to do a little background research on it first by asking your doctor about it. I have no idea if this is something we would all get someday but for now I know they are trying to get a vaccine for it. There is no telling what course any illness will take. If you are wondering about taking vitamins for immunity that is something you should ask your doctor about as well they are much more qualified to know if and what would help in that way.

When you got the flu shoot did it made you sick? Nope i never got the flu shoot in my life...when i was very young i use to get sick all the time and if i got a cold well it went streight on my lung but since i had my son wich is not 16 well i have not been really sick and i don't remember ever had the flu where i have body ache and stuff... i have a cold and had fever but that was it... i have been around people at work with nasty cold in the pass 3 years passing me paper and suff becasue i was their secretary but i did not get it....

18-06-09, 16:48
Your boyfriend is right and considering the population of Winnipeg is 648,000 I think you will be OK.

Just wash your hands after handling things such as money and shopping trolleys etc.:)

Yes i think he right too but i can't help it to think about it ...grrrrr I don't understand why we get like almost 30 to 34 case of flu every day yesterday was 32 the day before was 34 and i don't hear it anywhere else...

I hope i will be ok...lol... sorry for been such a freak... i piss my bf off sometime from talking about it.. i drive him nut...lol well someone has to do it right...!!!!! :yesyes:

I will start to take my bike to come to work soon and then i am off work from July 1 to the 31 and i come to work for the 4-7of August and then i am off until Sept 7 but i don't know if i will take the bus in the Fall well i guess it will depend on the situation... i don't pedal my bike in the winter... brrr not at -50 its crazy... :)

How come your guy's are not nervous about all of this?

18-06-09, 18:30
so the answer is wash your hands and dont go near peeps with the sniffles ...and not to go near pigs in any way ...even for a bit of fun (some states of america :P)

just kidding its no worse than the common flu and will not be killing any more than that ....

take care eddie :yesyes:

18-06-09, 19:43
Hi icysmoooth!

Thanks for your help...! I notice that you are from Canada, which Province are you from if you don't mind me asking.... Is there a lots of case of the flu there?

18-06-09, 19:45
so the answer is wash your hands and dont go near peeps with the sniffles ...and not to go near pigs in any way ...even for a bit of fun (some states of america :P)

just kidding its no worse than the common flu and will not be killing any more than that ....

take care eddie :yesyes:

Ok Eddie... thanks.... I wash my hands often...but do you know how close you have to be from someone who cough to get this.... i know i ask a lots of strange question... oupps...but its the French in me....:blush:

18-06-09, 21:52
I am from Ontario and I haven't really heard much about the flu lately, there are probably cases here but it's not being widely reported anymore. Surprisingly enough this flu didn't really affect my HA too much which I am thankful for :)

This is the e-mail i receive yesterday for the gov of Manitoba

Manitoba Health and Healthy Living is reporting 34 new confirmed cases of H1N1 flu, bringing the Manitoba total to 260 reported laboratory-confirmed cases.
(Patient's residence) Total
Assiniboine 3
Brandon 10
Burntwood/Churchill 80
Central 1
Interlake 6
North Eastman 6
Parkland 7
South Eastman 4
Winnipeg 122 (this is where i live)
Total 260

And i am sure that tomorrow they will be more people added...i am sick of it...:lac:

18-06-09, 22:01
Just try to keep in mind that this flu hasn't claimed any lives of healthy individuals.
The people who have died or even hospitalized have had underlying health issues that have caused the virus to be more severe.
In a healthy person this strain is mild and altho there have been loads of media coverage of it, it isn't a global catastrophe!
It's been called a pandemic only because of the geographic occurrences being widespread, meaning it's in lots of countries, and it has nothing to do with the severity of the illness itself.

19-06-09, 09:13
they say 6ft is the effective sneezing distance... thats all around as there is a big spread feild.... just dont get aggophobic as id rather have h1n1 2 times than general amxiety caused by this and then leading to aggophobia ...eddie :)

19-06-09, 12:32
Yes i think he right too but i can't help it to think about it ...grrrrr I don't understand why we get like almost 30 to 34 case of flu every day yesterday was 32 the day before was 34 and i don't hear it anywhere else...

I hope i will be ok...lol... sorry for been such a freak... i piss my bf off sometime from talking about it.. i drive him nut...lol well someone has to do it right...!!!!! :yesyes:

I will start to take my bike to come to work soon and then i am off work from July 1 to the 31 and i come to work for the 4-7of August and then i am off until Sept 7 but i don't know if i will take the bus in the Fall well i guess it will depend on the situation... i don't pedal my bike in the winter... brrr not at -50 its crazy... :)

How come your guy's are not nervous about all of this?

Well if you are going to get it you'll get it, no point worry about it.:)

19-06-09, 12:33
This is the e-mail i receive yesterday for the gov of Manitoba

Manitoba Health and Healthy Living is reporting 34 new confirmed cases of H1N1 flu, bringing the Manitoba total to 260 reported laboratory-confirmed cases.
(Patient's residence) Total
Assiniboine 3
Brandon 10
Burntwood/Churchill 80
Central 1
Interlake 6
North Eastman 6
Parkland 7
South Eastman 4
Winnipeg 122 (this is where i live)
Total 260

And i am sure that tomorrow they will be more people added...i am sick of it...:lac:

Forget it and carry on with your life.:flowers:

19-06-09, 17:28
Just try to keep in mind that this flu hasn't claimed any lives of healthy individuals.
The people who have died or even hospitalized have had underlying health issues that have caused the virus to be more severe.
In a healthy person this strain is mild and altho there have been loads of media coverage of it, it isn't a global catastrophe!
It's been called a pandemic only because of the geographic occurrences being widespread, meaning it's in lots of countries, and it has nothing to do with the severity of the illness itself.

I am trying eeyorelover to keep in mind that but the other day they one male age 40 who died from it and in the new they said that he did not have any health problem...my bf told me not to worry about it maybe he had problem that they did not know yet until they do an autopsy and that maybe he smoke and did not eat properly...

19-06-09, 17:31
they say 6ft is the effective sneezing distance... thats all around as there is a big spread feild.... just dont get aggophobic as id rather have h1n1 2 times than general amxiety caused by this and then leading to aggophobia ...eddie :)

Yes it suck to be anxious about this.... it actually make you to stop living.... i have to take a hold on myself.... Monday i will start to ride my bike to work!

19-06-09, 17:33
Well if you are going to get it you'll get it, no point worry about it.:)

Yes i guess you right... it won't change anything that i worry or not....i guess the best defense is to be more carefull!!!!

19-06-09, 17:34
Forget it and carry on with your life.:flowers:

Well i think that what i will do this weekend we are suppose to have nice weather so i think i will go to the beach Saturday and Sunday...!!!!

25-06-09, 01:26
Hey, I'm from Nova Scotia, Canada. I just seen on the news tonight that 20 more people died from this! My friend has it, and her 3 yr old daughter is now showing symptoms. I am so scared. i have a 4 year old as well. The h1n1 is even in our very small community, and i work at a local store. i feel your pain hun :(

25-06-09, 15:10
Hey, I'm from Nova Scotia, Canada. I just seen on the news tonight that 20 more people died from this! My friend has it, and her 3 yr old daughter is now showing symptoms. I am so scared. i have a 4 year old as well. The h1n1 is even in our very small community, and i work at a local store. i feel your pain hun :(

Hi! Sorry to hear about your frieds, how is she?

Yes i know it freak me out... today i was taking my bike to come to work because there is so much people sick in the bus... but lucky me my 16 year old son took it and use it withou put it any air in the tire so now i was half way and then bang... my tire was flat.. so i have to walk back home and take the bus... grrrr.....and wow i had to move seat because someone was caughing too close to me and i don't like it...

I only have tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday to work then i am on holiday so that ok....i don't go brouwing in shopping mall...

Hey just make sure you wash your hands a lots ... with soap and water...
and Try to say away from your friend until she feel better supposely they are contagious like 6 to 7 days afte the symptom appear...

Hang in there...!!!!