View Full Version : lumps under armpit. anyone have any ideas?

18-06-09, 03:21
good day everyone. 22 yr Male here. this has been in ongoing problem with me for a while now. maybe 3-4 years now. But just recently it has gotten quite bad. It seems whenever i use deoderant i develop enlarged lumps under my right armpit. The funny thing is that it only occurs in the right arm. I stop using deoderant and the lumps seem to subside within a week or so. Its really not only frustrating me but now is concerning me a bit. I would definitely have already been to the GP, but currently have no health insurance. Just wondering if anyone might have an idea to what this might be. Just really worried it might be cancer.

18-06-09, 07:52

A possibility could be that the deodrant blocks the hair follicles and perhaps they are more sensitive in one arm, the fact that they come and go when you stop using deodrant i dont think its anything to worry about.I know that women can sometimes have a similar problem when they shave under their arms.

P x

18-06-09, 09:30
Hey, its so unlikely to be anything serious as pollyanna says its prob blocked hair follicles. I get red lumps in my 'pits from shaving and deoderant - think its very common. Think of all the sweat and chemicals that accumulate there - nice!! but no wonder!

18-06-09, 15:24
I was told the same thing about deoderants and shaving etc...and that didnt seem to have an effect on me. I still have a swollen node in my axilla...for nearly 2 years now..Benign by Ultrasound...and have met MANY other people, espec on this forum, with the same...seems to be a common concern with a lot of folk.

And since your lumps subside....I wouldnt worry a bit. That is a good sign!