View Full Version : One mole less!

18-06-09, 09:27

well, the mole has now gone! :) They did a punch biopsy and left me with 2 stitches. I now have to wait a week for the results - am not good with waiting! Last night I was lying in bed worrying about all the possible outcomes.
I am trying to keep myself occupied and think I am handling it ok (compared to previous scares!!) but everywhere I look I see articles about skin cancer and yes, they did get me to having my moles checked (thank goodness) but now they're just scaring me!!

Does anyone else resent having health stories in all the news? As an anxious person I can't help but read them even though it makes me feel worse! sometimes I think the whole country must have health anxiety!


jess xxx

18-06-09, 11:06
In the first place - good job! You managed to get rid of that mole and that´s great. Pls try not to worry - most probably,it´s nothing. Even if it is something, you caught it early, that means you should be fine.
And when it comes to the articles - yes, I know how you feel. Like whenever I worry about something, articles, flyers, TV shows, etc..would just pop up on me and I get to think: geee, is this a sign or something? And then I freak out.

miss diagnosis
19-06-09, 13:08
yes ive noticed a major increase in the skin cancer posts on here. cos sky news started freakin everyone out about it.
then last week they did a report on how men are more likely to get cancer etc. And the whole jade goody thing had all the women here worrying about cervical cancer.

the greys anatomy thing led me to go and getting a mole checked. 2 doctors told me it was fine but i still worry!