View Full Version : Cervical erosion/ectropion

18-06-09, 09:33
Has anyone had one on here that would be willing to advise me. I'm having ongoing 'major' anxiety issues about mine (I'm waiting to be seen by my local colpscopy unit) and need someone I can talk to, perhaps via pm or this thread.

Specifically I'm wondering if they can cause your menstruation/period bleeding to be heavier than usual? :wacko: or do you think this could be anxiety related as I've been up the wall with it. Also, I've been spotting for a full six days before my period which is unusual for me, is this common for erosions as well? I'm not on any contraception to any that wonder.

I'd appreciate all help.:hugs:

18-06-09, 09:42

I've had colposcopy several times (for precancer) and can understand your anxiety about it. I was also told i have an ectropion or erosion (just a tiny one though). Apparently they are extremely common in women of child bearing age. Mine didn't bleed (prob because it was so small) but they can do and they can be painful.


18-06-09, 09:51
Hi Jessica! Thank you for the reply. I'm being sent by my doctor because she knows that the symptoms of the erosion/ectropion would 'drive me loopy' in her words and not because she saw anything that caused her concern--this is a direct quote. Not that it stops me from worrying myself into a panic. I stupidly read a site that said that women with an ectopion should make sure that they have regular smears (d'uh!) as they can make spotting anything else more difficult. Just what I didn't need to know.:weep:

Then my period starts after days of spotting and it's heavier than normal!:weep: :weep:

18-06-09, 10:11
Hey, its important that you get checked out but heavier periods can be caused by lots of things. Hope your appointment is not too far away - the waiting is the worst!! Have you had smears? If anything having an erosion helps detect a certain type of cervical cancer from smears because it exposes a type of cell not normally seen (the ones higher up in the cervix).


18-06-09, 10:19
I had severe eroion and had it treated with the liquid gas that freeses the sores inside and then it heals byitself I have never had it since, I have 2 kids 6 and 5. I dont know whether it the same procedure as you mention in english, but it helped me.

This is not a treatening condition, very common and very easily treatable. Chill out. :o)

18-06-09, 11:01
Hi again, Jessica, yes I've had smears and all normal with my last one in September 08. Unfortunately, I have a three week wait:wacko: However she didn't tell me that she was sending me for a colposcopy just that I should have the ectropion treated so I won't get wound up. The referral however is for the 'Colposcopy unit' so I assume that they do both the assessment side and treatment side.

Hi Thumbalina! Thank you for your post.:flowers: Were you having symptoms at all? I hope you don't mind me asking, but I'm refusing to google and would dearly love some better underdstanding. (I know about the bleeding after sex symptom as it is the most widely reported one, did you having spotting, bleeding at other times and heavier periods, perhaps?)

18-06-09, 12:13
Hi Helen,

After having 2 kids i believe that my whole insides are so messed up that it shouldnt even be surprising.

I did have spotty bleedings after "S", thought it can be even without erosia, ibleeding after intercorse can be normal as well. I still have it sometimes. Though every time i go to the womens doc she tells me its all perfect there and that my ovaries are a dream of a woman that wants tp get pregnant. Not mine then :) I had paps - and its fine. I am 32. I am still worried at times about ovaries as they say ovarina cancer is the least possible to detect cancer. It os only detectable at the last stages.

As for the erosia i had it even before preganncies.

I was advised by a good doc to do douche with the camomile tea after "S". You can buy the "thing" - like a pear shape in the pharmacy, and keep it sterile in your cabet.

It really helps me, cools it down, and camomole has a healing effect.

I was told by the doctor to do it after deliveries as well.

Thoughif i were you, i would consult with your doctor before using my advise anyway.

No need to worry about erosia though, it is just a fractured tissue only from the inside and because we cant see it seems horrible.

18-06-09, 13:57
Thank you so much for your detailed reply, Thumbalina!:hugs: