View Full Version : Hi All

18-06-09, 10:07
Hello eveyone

I came across NMP about a month ago when I was google-ing for some symptoms I was having. Got directed to an article on here that read as though I had written it, everything matched the symptoms I was having at the time and it definitely brought me some comfort.

I am a 31 year old male living in the UK. Always been fairly healthy and stopped smoking about 8 months ago when it all "kicked off" so to speak. Basically was driving home from work and felt a sudden massive "clamp" on my chest, it only lasted about 10 seconds but then felt "off" for a few hours, long enough for me to get along to A&E. ECG etc came back normal so headed home but still wasn't sure what had happened.

Anyway, back in to A&E about 10 days later, had ECG again - normal, this time I also had chest xrays and bloods done, again - all normal. Then it all seemed to calm down for a while.

Beginning of April and I woke up one morning and within 5 minutes I was feeling "off" and ended up calling and ambulance, had a pulse of 140 but was quickly reduced to normal. Followed this up with a trip to the GP who advised on possible causes of the chest pains and other symptoms. He said that cardiac is unlikely at my age but to be sure I was referred, his other thoughts were that it may have been GERD or something similar causing my chest to feel tight.

So, in the last 4 weeks I have had bloods, ECG, Echo and last week had a Halter Monitor on for 24 hours. Still waiting on the results of the Halter but everything else is coming back normal.

So I started doing a bit of looking around and came upon this site. I have read a number of peoples accounts and a lot of them strike home as being very similar, if not identical, to how I feel. Had a good few days after the Halter came off but then yesterday I started to feel a bit uneasy, took forever to get to sleep last night and got the "pulse all over my body" sensation where my entire body appeared to be "beating".

Just hoping that this is something that I can get a hold on and manage to control. Got an appointment with the GP again today just to see if there is anything else that can be done in the meantime.

So, that's me, a rather long winded explanation but I just wanted to get down in words, the sort of things I had been feeling. I have gone through all the panic of worrying that I may be having a heart attack and all sorts of other scenarios but I am beginning to suspect more and more that this is an anxiety/panic situation that I am going to need to deal with.

18-06-09, 10:14
hi sounds like you have had bad time ..if docters cant find anything ,, there is a possability it is anxiety, your getting so many people on this site have the same thing ,anyway hope you get it sorted maggie:)

18-06-09, 10:23

Glad you've found this site.
Please let us how your doctor's appointment goes.
Best wishes.

18-06-09, 11:45
Hi and welcome :)


18-06-09, 11:58
A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way

best wishes

di xx

19-06-09, 10:41
Just a brief update from the docs last night. Echo came back normal, still waiting on results of 24 hour ECG.

Have been advised to start taking 1 x 40mg Propranolol again just to see if this helps out on a day to day basis.

So, waiting for the results of the 24 hour ECG and also an appointment for a stress echo. Fun Fun Fun