View Full Version : so very worried

18-06-09, 14:34
Hello everyone. I am new to this site and find it so helpful reading other people are going through the same/similar difficulties with anxiety and health worries.
I am currently very worried about a lump I have found in my abdomen just to the right above the belly button and have also just discovered another one further down. Both those lumps are very painful and wearing trousers hurts quite a bit. I went to the Doc last night and told him about the one near my belly button (i hadn't discovered the other one yet). He felt my abdomen and prodded around but basically said that this was nothing to be worried about and I should come back and see him if the lump should go bigger. I left quite happy, but then I have discovered since the other lump and am now worried that this might be a sign of something nasty like cancer.
I also didn't mention to the Doc that i had started to suffer quite badly from diarrhoea, ever since I started to take some BP tablets about 6 weeks ago. I thought it might be related to the tablets, so thought I may have to out up with it. But now, having those 2 lumps and they are painful when I press and the diarrhoea makes me so worried that I can't concentrate on anything else.
Has anyone else every experienced this? How do I know that this isn't colon cancer? I am about to go on holiday and I am already dreading this as I will be worried every day and probably end up in lots of arguments with my partner who knows that I worry about my health but has reached the point of getting fed up with me. I just can't enjoy anything- as I always think that I am sick. I don't feel I can go to the Doc again- i would feel really stupid and yet I am worried....can anyone help?

18-06-09, 15:56
Hello lindi,

I can understand how worried you must be feeling, and i think it would be a good idea to pop back to the doctor, just to put your mind at rest, before you go on holiday otherwise you are going to be worrying all the time, which will ruin your holiday. I know how difficult it is not to worry, and health anxiety always makes us think the worst. The doctor felt your abdomen carefully and wasn't concerned about the lump being anything serious, and from what you have said it sounds like the second one further down is much the same as the other one, so I don't think that will be of particular concern to him either. I am sure your doctor will be understanding, so don't feel awkward about going back to see him. I would think the diarrhoea is connected to the new medication, and he will be able to reassure you that all is well.

I do hope you will feel reassured and that you will be able to relax and have a lovely holiday.

18-06-09, 16:01
Thanks Rosie- deep down I know you're right and I should just do that. It's just something to do with feeling so silly going to the doctor again.....I should better make an appointment- however silly I feel going again.