View Full Version : Hi I'm new!

18-06-09, 14:35
Been suffering with health anxiety for quite a few years now. It's hateful but I'm optimistic to finally nail it one of these days:blush: !

18-06-09, 15:00
Hi and welcome :)


18-06-09, 15:50
A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way

best wishes

di xx

18-06-09, 16:35
Hi there

welcome to the site. I suffer from anxiety & depression and have found a lot of support on this site - take care. Like you I'm hoping to nail it soon and recover fully!!!! Keep optimistic,


22-06-09, 12:39
Has anyone's usual anxiety symptoms changed and thrown them for a loop? :shrug:I've been experiencing wobbly legs on and off for a few weeks now (tired and achy including my feet) saw my GP who I hardly ever go to, he said he thought it was probs anxiety he tested my reflexes, examined me etc took some bloods and they've all come back normal! which is great but I'm still in the dark, any advice?? weevy x