View Full Version : Annoying niggle.

18-06-09, 16:57
Have you ever yawned so wide your neck and jaw muscles feel stretched out and sore?

I have a few times.

Anyways, I went out with my girlfriend to this Cafe, ordered a curry, which am still experiencing in my bowels! After the meal my neck on the right hand side felt weird, like it had been stretched, I instantly went into panic mode, stood up and was like "so, we leaving now?"...We had finished and the fresh air was my break to calmness. The sensation then turned to that of a niggling one and I began to freak out, it was localised to the one area and wasn't feeling like nervous neck pulsation more like someone was playing the fiddle in random bursts.

So am panicking by this point, calling the NHS, I make a break for the local doctor (not one I know)... after an anxious wait he checks me over and says, its probably not an allergic reaction.

So here I am hunkered down at the girlfriends, still experiencing it a little... wonder if anyone can relate?

19-06-09, 14:25

I am sorry that you are experiencing this...I have posted similar on globus/throat etc. forum - I have am getting this on a daily basis on the right hand side, throat/jaw area...whenever I yawn or drink...very irritating...almost feels like raised glands or they do not feel up to touch!

Hope that you feel better soon.
