View Full Version : Why do we do this

18-06-09, 17:18
Have posted re having to have a hysterectomy and then possible blood in vomit so now waiting for gastrosocpy and seeing gyny re arranging the hysterectomy and lo and behold today I put my hand up to my face and it happened to rest where I have always had a mole and I think it feels more prominent - it doesn't look any bigger and is still smaller than the blunt end a pencil and is normal brown colour. Why did I have to find something else to worry about - don't I have enough:mad:

I will ask my husband to look at it as its on side of my face and my eyesight is not good I can't see it as well as I want - but just so annoyed that after all the above I have to add something else to my list

18-06-09, 18:00
Hello countrygirl,

I imagine at the moment your anxiety levels are running high, and I think when we get very anxious we can get hyper-sensitive to all sorts of things. In the past I have 'returned' to old symptoms, which I had decided were ok, and suddenly start worrying about them again. Goodness knows why this happens, perhaps in a perverse sort of way it is a sub conscious method of trying to distract ourselves from other concerns. I expect you will worry about the mole for a short while, and then be reassured that in fact it is fine and there is no change. This anxiety is a horrible thing to deal with - there always seems to be something to contend with.

You do have a lot to cope with at the moment, and I hope your gastrosocpy is over and done with soon, and that you can get the hysterectomy sorted as soon as possible. I am sure you will be feeling much better once it has been dealt with. Wishing you all the best. Rosie xx