View Full Version : Back Pain...Please read..

18-06-09, 17:53
Hi everyone!

Well my last post was back in April and you guys were very helpful, but going through a rough time again and could do with a few supportive words.

Just to give you a brief outline of my last couple of posts...Did something to my back getting out of the shower back in December, doc's diaganosed a trapped nerve; still no better in march so i went back, bad lower back pain, pain in right buttock, pain back and front of thigh and sometimes down the leg and aching in groin and pelvic area and slightly tender to touch; doc then said i'd now got sciatica and sends off to get me an appointment to see the Physio at the hospital. I have only just got the the appointment for next week, coming up to nearly 7 months from when this all started.

As you can imagine after all this time and my back and groin being no better, and suffering with H/A on top of all that im convinced i have Pelvic, groin or bone cancer....Is there anyone out there who has suffered with the symptoms iv'e mentioned??? there isn't a day that goes past that i don't have some aching or dragging discomfort in these areas, luckily i am sleeping and my back doesn't play me up then, but 7 months down the line im feeling miserable and scared and i feel dreadfull most day's like i have flu, i seem to ache everywhere. Is it possible for sciatica or any sort of back pain to go on for months and months??? and when i go and see the Physio next week will they do Xray's?? im sure i'd feel a lot better dealing with this if i know it's nothing nasty.

Sorry for going on for so long...thankyou for taking the time to read, hopefully i'll hear from you soon,

Mandy.xxxx :weep:

18-06-09, 18:08
Hi Treacle

I have suffered with this miserable condition on and off since I was 18 (nearly 20yrs). At it's worst, when I first slipped a disk in my back, it lasted 2 years and the pain radiated all down my leg to my little toe. It even felt like it was radiating into my abdomen sometimes. After 2 years, I went to a doctor convinced I had a spinal tumour (suffered health anxiety for a long time!) and she told me it was a prolapsed disk pressing on my sciatic nerve. Since then, I have it on and off, sometimes lasting for weeks and it is incredible painful, but I no longer worry what's causing it any more. I think once you have damaged yourself in this area, you are always prone to recurrence. Incidently, I never had xrays, and when I saw a physio, they just gave me some exercises to do.

18-06-09, 18:23
Hi Mandy

Sorry to hear that you are in so much pain.
My story isn't the same as yours in that I had my trapped nerve in my neck, but I too suffered terribly with pain going from my neck, shoulder blade and all down one arm, at times I didn't know what to do with myself, but like you I at least got some relief at night. That is my next point, I went to see a Chiropractor (although it didn't cure me) but one thing he did say when I told him I was worried I had a spinal tumour is that 1. they are rare and usually only appear when you've already suffered cancer and 2. the pain would not ease at night.
Mine also went on for months, I ended up paying privately for an MRI scan just to stop the anxiety of worrying that I had cancer. It revealed wear and tear and bones spurs which were irritating the nerve.
It all started last October and it's only been in the last couple of months that the pain has now almost gone, it still irritates a bit by the end of the day but not enough to warrant pain relief.
I hope I have helped with your anxiety, please try not to worry as Siatica is a very common condition and can last a very long time.
Take care.

12-07-09, 22:37
hi mandy
i to suffer from the exactly the same symptoms you describe. ive been suffering with lower back pain,tension in back,pain in hip and buttock on and off for about 15 months now.when its started i was worried sick that i got something seriously wrong.been to see a chiropracter,had x ray,blood tests all came back ok.still not convinced so i booked in to bupa to see a specialist. had my consultation the doctor reassured me there was nothing serious with my back and spine.my back seems to be worse when my anxiety flares up can be as bad to make me immobile.the best i can say is to look up some good stretching techniques which i do morning and night which help my muscles relax and loosen up

hope you sort it out take care