View Full Version : Random Nerve Pain

18-06-09, 19:52
Okay, so i'm one of the MS worriers out there. I'd appreciate any help that you can provide me with how to actually get rid of physical symptoms that mimic MS and other neurological diseases. Here's my story:

I've been having random shooting nerve pain for almost 2 years now. It has gotten much worse over the last 6-8 months. The pain is not constantly there, but comes randomly, anywhere on my body and last just a few seconds. But, when it comes, it is sometimes very intense and sends a wave through my entire body. Overall, I have some days where I experience over 30 zaps in a day, maybe more. They almost feel electrical in nature. Also, when I'm active and/or busy, they are much less frequent. A couple more things...i get them while sleeping (but more so upon first waking up) and they are much more frequent after lunch. My job involves sitting at the desk for extended periods, which is the time when I seem to notice them more.

I have talked with doctor about it who eventually referred me to a neurologist. The neuro really didn't know what it was. They decided to do a brain MRI and other tests, which all came back normal.

Overall, i'm a very healthy guy, 30 years old, 6'3, 210 lbs. I played collegiate basketball and played professionally in Europe. I continue exercising to this day. My body feels okay, otherwise. I don't have any muscle weakness or anything like that.

Other medical issues: I have sufferered from anxiety in the past and high stress over the years. I have never taken any medication for this, though my brother and cousins do take anti-anxiety medications. I also have had twitching in eyelids and other places in body. My only other condition that may have a relation is that I suffer from acid-reflux. I do take prilosec semi-regularly which helps.

I look forward to hearing from people.


19-06-09, 02:42
i think i experienced this today .. like i had a tingling pain in my head on one side and it shot across my face and down my entire right side. what the hell ???????????

19-06-09, 18:19
I know many people have had MS scares that suffer from anxiety, panic and stress. Many that have had these fears have suffered from legitimate physical symptoms.

My question is, are these physical symptoms here to stay? If not, how can they be diminished. What technique, mindset, thought process is needed to get over these?

20-06-09, 00:19
My doctor has told me one of the first sign of MS is Dropping things. So i make sure iam not dropping anything.. i know it sounds werid but i to worry about MS

21-06-09, 02:25
I don't have anything for your specific symptoms but I get relief from my symptoms by doing yoga and listening to self hypnosis cd's for stress relief. I too am very active and this helps too. I get several odd pains too and they totally freak me out. Mine are not hot shocks but more like aches in odd places, like one finger tip or in my tailbone. These come and go and last for days sometimes. Also, getting enough sleep seems to really help if I can pull it off for a few days in a row. Lastly, education about anxiety helps keep my crazy mind in check by my rational mind. There are lots of great books out there for people with HA. Good luck.