View Full Version : more ladies problems :(

18-06-09, 21:19
ok just looking for a little reassurance. I started he pill 2 months ago had some break through bleeding in the first month but was ok, this pack i have to be honest i havent been consistant with taking them at the same time each day & i think i may have missed one due to the dates being out on the pack. About 2 weeks ago ( when i started to get a bit lazy taking them on time) i started having bloody streaked discharge which i assume is spotting??? ( googled and scared myself) any who 3 days ago had really brown discharge & now today its kind of been normal apart from 3 times when i have wiped after going to the loo and its been blood streaked discharge again. I have today finished the pack and wont be taking them again as im just not very good at consistancy. Sooo obviously i am concerned its cervical cancer but pleaseeee tell me its just a combination of starting the pill & missing one? I have googled a lot and all of the forums say ' do not worry as long as your up to date with smears' well only being 21 i havent had one yet. I will paying for one in 2 weeks but im really worried. Is it ok that its only in the discharge TMI? so the spotting isnt on my pants etc. Sorry guys for the TMI but you always make me feel better :) x

18-06-09, 22:10
Break through bleeding is very commen when using the oral contraceptive pill, when the oestrogen part of it is not the right levels for the individual , but most commonly it is due to non compliance. i.e. not taking it correctly.
If you need contraception and are not good at taking it at the same time every day i would concider something more long acting like the depo injection or the implant.

18-06-09, 22:16
Hi hun :D:hugs:

There are soo many pills on the market and not all agree with women, some may cause spotting in the first month, then there body's get adjusted to it, if taken at the same time each day, its fine, but if you don;t take at the same time each day and miss any, this can cause brake through bleeding or spotting.

Hun, it maybe the pill that you have been given is not for you, some women have to try a few before finding the right one, but YOU must take them at the same time and every day for them to work.

I am Mmm 45 years young LOL and have brown discharge on and off for years, this is normal for me.

Ohhh hunny :hugs: IT IS the pill messeing about with your hormones, its because you have missed pills and your body does not know if its coming or going, so to speak.

If you have stopped taking it, in the next months things will start to settle down again.

Many moons ago, LOL when I first started the pill it took 3 different types before I found the right one for me. Blimey, it did mess my periods about.

YOUR OK HUN, this is all normal when taking or should I say, trying to take the pill, IT DOES mess your periods about.


love jill xxx

19-06-09, 07:51
Hey Tash,

Just a quick note to say that I've been on the pill for 8 years. Not the same one the whole time but been on one or another consistently for 8 years. I would get spotting sometimes after like 2 years and then they would switch me to another because they said our bodies get too used to the pill and that's the problem. Also, if I miss one, particularly close to my period just leaving or my period about to start, I will spot as well. It's completely normal so don't worry hun!