View Full Version : dizzy spells (brain tumour)

19-06-09, 00:03
hey, today i have had a couple of dizzy spells, i feel like i'm going to fallover, i feel off balance. i know i post about this a lot and you are probably bored of me going on about it but i just don't know who else to talk to. i'm now terrified i have a brain tumour or aneurysm. i have been a bit anxious about a couple of things at work and just found out yesterday that my gran probably has cancer as a shadow was found on a scan. i just don't know how to cope with this. have i got a brain tumour? i mean dizziness is the main symptom. anyone else suffer from this?

Please reply
Luv Louise XXXXX

19-06-09, 00:11
Hi Louise,

I don't know the exact symptoms of a brain tumour, but so many people have dizzy spells it's not even funny. My mother had one just the other day when she felt that the floor was moving underneath her. She wasn't tired or anything.

I get them quite a bit just from the stress of work etc. I have felt lightheaded on numerous occasions.

I would try to listen to some relaxing music and have a soothing bath to get your mind off it?

19-06-09, 07:33
Hi Louise,

I have to tell you that I've been going through the same thing. I was just at the doctor yesterday(the ENT) and also had an MRI scan. The ENT thinks that I have vestibular neuritis...dizziness being caused from nerve damage from a past virus. He said it should lessen with time. I'm worried about my MRI scan but so far no one called me yesterday or today and my mom assures me that they would call right away if something is wrong.

What kind of dizziness do you have? I have a rocking/swaying/boat-like dizziness. I have a friend who has the spinning dizziness. We are both OK :)

I know that sometimes anxiety can cause dizziness/light-headedness. Could this possibly be an anxiety symptom for you? Were you panicky or anxious when it happened?

No worries! Call your doctor if you are terribly worried and I'm sure you will get some reassurance there. Don't GOOGLE! All Google tells us is "cancer"! Hope I could help a bit. :bighug1:

19-06-09, 07:54
you would be best going to docter if your worried

19-06-09, 12:36
hey, today i have had a couple of dizzy spells, i feel like i'm going to fallover, i feel off balance. i know i post about this a lot and you are probably bored of me going on about it but i just don't know who else to talk to. i'm now terrified i have a brain tumour or aneurysm. i have been a bit anxious about a couple of things at work and just found out yesterday that my gran probably has cancer as a shadow was found on a scan. i just don't know how to cope with this. have i got a brain tumour? i mean dizziness is the main symptom. anyone else suffer from this?

Please reply
Luv Louise XXXXX

Dizziness can be cause by all manner of things perhaps the doctor needs to look in your ears.

I have a BT but I have had vertigo for many years mine is caused by the discs in my neck.

19-06-09, 13:29
hey, i also suffered with dizzy spells, i was also convinced it was a sign of a brain tumor. my dizzy spells lasted around a week and the doctor said it was due to anxiety so im sure your ok.

19-06-09, 14:02
Hi Louise,
This is from ""symptoms" in "main menu"" left of screen
You feel suddenly light-headed, woozy or dizzy. This is sometimes accompanied by a feeling that you might faint or pass out. It also may feel as though you are walking on a boat, or that the floor seems to move up and down and it's hard to balance. You may also have difficulty placing your feet because your perception of the ground or floor may be wrong. In some cases it may seem that even though you are standing on a firm floor, the floor may be vibrating or moving.

This is a very common feeling that most sufferers get. It’s usually as a result of hyperventilation but also of intense fear and the adrenalin hit.

My underlining - but as you see this is a common, and very frightening part of anxiety / stress whatever you want to call it.
If you have seen your doc and they say it is stress, read more from the menu it will help you understand what is happening:hugs:
Best wishes