View Full Version : anyone else have this or could help me

stevie boy
19-06-09, 00:15
ever since the start of this year iv had tummy trouble i get cramps everyday and i have to rush to the loo they come and go though the day but when there not there my tummy is very tender and sore iv been to the doctors lots of times for blood tests stool test all came back normal the doctor said i have ibs and has put me on all kinds of meds which none have worked the last one he put me on was a med called amitriptyline ever since iv been taking them iv had a runny nose everyday im forever blowing my nose and my breathing has gottn bad not only that my sore tummy has not gone away its got abit better but ya know its still there if you know what i mean im allways tense well its been bad since yesterday and its got to the point where i just wanna die and never have this anymore im just tired of having this plus my anxity :emot-crying:

19-06-09, 00:25
Hey. I've had the same problem and actually, it was 2 different things. It was IBS, which is common with anxiety, and also due to the anxiety, I was having shortness of breath and having to frequently take deep breaths and I noticed the area around my diaphragm/upper stomach became sore and painful. Amitriptyline is more of a tranquilizer type of medication. It could help with your anxiety as well as your IBS. Librax worked wonders for my IBS. Just wanted to give my thoughts on your problem. Hope you're feeling better quickly! I'm new on here and hope to find some answers thru others as well. :)