View Full Version : So Scared :( Alot Of Horrible Symptoms

19-06-09, 02:02
First of let me just say I have read alot of these threads and it seems full of alot positive reassuring and very decent people so I felt I had to join considering my problems... I am sorry about the lenghty post but I have been REALLY scared and upset, so thanks in advance for anyone who has the time to read.

Ok here is my story.. About 4-5 years ago I started to suffer with really bad heart palpitations and chest pain, I got blood-tests, an ECG and a chest scan, eveything was normal and I was told it was anxiety although I never felt anxious at all.. Since then I have just never felt right, with dizzy spells and have suffered with a few panic attacks along the way. To this day I still also get alot of weird sensations in my chest. Now about 2 months ago things started to get worse

-Morning sickness
-Stomach pain and unusal rumbles
-A quick jolt to the head that seems to make my legs jump (happens about once a day)
-Hot flashes
-Eye floaters and sparks, also experienc a quick flash sometimes
-Metallic tastes in my mouth
-An odd smell that only I could sense (seems to have eased off now)
-An odd pressure in my head which just seems to always be there, sometimes a shooting pain will occur in the same place
-Random pains all over my body (today the top of my left leg has a dull-ache)
-Blurred vision almost alot, lack of focus
-Slurring words every now and then, finding it hard to pronounce words.
-Unusual thumping in my right ear which comes about once a day

I am not experiencing any panic attacks recently, and alot of these can just randomly come on when I'm feeling relaxed so It's hard to accept that it's anxiety.. I have seen 2 doctors both of which performed a physical examination and said they don't think it's anything serious but have told me "if I" want I can be put on a waiting list to see a neurologist.. I'm convinced it's a brain tumour :( but I have no choice but to wait to see if I can get a scan. Because of my visual symptoms though I did have my eyes examed and was told there was no swelling and that my sight is perfect (doesn't feel it) and got a more recent blood test which was normal..

Although I appreciate nobody can tell me it's not a brain tumour, I'm just wandering if there's any advice or just something that could help, thanks alot :)

19-06-09, 13:11
I have got exactly the same symptoms , it started in march but i must have been very anxious before without realising it. I just rememberd that i have a strange feeling in my legs when i was exercising. I now get pressure in my head anfd painful jaws. I have been to doc , had eccg and blood test everything ok . went to ostheopath on wenesday she thought i had avery tense scalp and ask me if i been tested for a brain tumor told her i went to see a doctor. I am now back to square one and organise a doc appointement for monday

20-06-09, 07:24
Hello Joe (? I'm guessing here lol),

Welcome to NMP, and I'm sorry to hear about your symptoms and worries.

I've read your post and re-read it and to me, as a sufferer of anxiety for several years now it sounds like you're suffering from anxiety, you're even in some denial about suffering from anxiety too.

I didn't wish that assertion to sound rude; I, as well as alot of the other posters here, have felt this belief that it's not anxiety, the "but I'm relaxed" syndrome at one time or another.

So let's look at the timeline and see if we can't make some sense of it.

-Several years ago you had some heart palpitations, you were given tests and nothing was found.
-Since then you have admitted that you've suffered from panic attacks, it seems fairly logical therefore that the panic was a continuation of the original event, perhaps even worry concerning it, albeit unconscious.
-To me, having had a very similar experience you did what you thought was best, you rationalised it, you don't FEEL anxious so therefore you must be relaxed?
-You suffered from an initial event in your life that preyed on your mind, it's likely it caused the subsequent panic attacks and it was only a matter of time before this was going to build into a more serious problem.

So fast forward to now, you've mentioned several of the symptoms of anxiety, in fact all of the symptoms you've listed can be explained by anxiety. Not all of the symptoms you've listed can be explained by a brain tumour... "today the top of my left leg has a dull-ache"...

I could run through each and every symptom you've listed and tell you dates and times I've felt the same, but I don't think that would help.

At the moment your brain is telling you that you're perfectly relaxed and not at all anxious, despite showing alot of the classic signs of anxiety. You also believe it's a brain tumour, it's easier for you to believe it's a brain tumour at the moment because that's what your anxiety is telling you is more likely.

My advice? Take a two pronged attack here, sit down with your doctor and say "I think it's a brain tumour but is there just a chance, you know a small one that it could just be anxiety?" let him refer you to a neurologist, certainly that could put your mind at rest, but also let him treat you for anxiety!

Why do both? Because although it's a slight possibility you could have a brain tumour, even if you DID have a brain tumour you're certainly also suffering from anxiety too :)



21-06-09, 15:34
Thanks very much Chris.. It seems you took alot of time to analyse my post and replied in a nice detailed and reassuring way :)

03-03-14, 05:54
I have the eye floaters too.....and kinda blurred vision

03-03-14, 07:25
All I can say is look up candida. I've had all of your symptoms and candida was causing it for me.