View Full Version : So Scared :( Alot Of Horrible Symptoms

19-06-09, 02:15
First of let me just say I have read alot of these threads and it seems full of alot positive reassuring and very decent people so I felt I had to join considering my problems... I am sorry about the lenghty post but I have been REALLY scared and upset, so thanks in advance for anyone who has the time to read.

Ok here is my story.. About 4-5 years ago I started to suffer with really bad heart palpitations and chest pain, I got blood-tests, an ECG and a chest scan, eveything was normal and I was told it was anxiety although I never felt anxious at all.. Since then I have just never felt right, with dizzy spells and have suffered with a few panic attacks along the way. To this day I still also get alot of weird sensations in my chest. Now about 2 months ago things started to get worse

-Morning sickness
-Stomach pain and unusal rumbles
-A quick jolt to the head that seems to make my legs jump (happens about once a day)
-Hot flashes
-Eye floaters and sparks, also experienc a quick flash sometimes
-Metallic tastes in my mouth
-An odd smell that only I could sense (seems to have eased off now)
-An odd pressure in my head which just seems to always be there, sometimes a shooting pain will occur in the same place
-Random pains all over my body (today the top of my left leg has a dull-ache)
-Blurred vision almost alot, lack of focus
-Slurring words every now and then, finding it hard to pronounce words.
-Unusual thumping in my right ear which comes about once a day

I am not experiencing any panic attacks recently, and alot of these can just randomly come on when I'm feeling relaxed so It's hard to accept that it's anxiety.. I have seen 2 doctors both of which performed a physical examination and said they don't think it's anything serious but have told me "if I" want I can be put on a waiting list to see a neurologist.. I'm convinced it's a brain tumour :( but I have no choice but to wait to see if I can get a scan. Because of my visual symptoms though I did have my eyes examed and was told there was no swelling and that my sight is perfect (doesn't feel it) and got a more recent blood test which was normal..

Although I appreciate nobody can tell me it's not a brain tumour, I'm just wandering if there's any advice or just something that could help, thanks alot :smile:

19-06-09, 07:46
Hi Joe,

I do think that maybe you should maybe ask your doctor to pursue more tests? Your regular doctor should at least be able to order a CT scan or MRI. Mine does. You shouldn't have to wait to see a neurologist. I am only saying this because I know how reassuring tests can be. It's not that I think anything is wrong with you. I suffered from the brain tumor worry for years until I finally had a CT scan last July...it at least got me through a year(until I started having terribly bouts of vertigo). The great thing about my doctor is that I don't even have to ask for the tests, he just orders them. I'm not sure if it is procedure or he sees the worry in my eyes.

I also wanted to say something about your chest pain/weird feelings. My boyfriend has been having this problem for almost 2 years. He also went and had all the normal tests done and nothing was wrong. He was so angry he even criticized the doctor(to me) saying that he didn't think he knew what he was doing. This is the same doctor I go to so I do not believe that. Anyway......what I wanted to point out was that I've noticed it only happens to him when he gets anxious. Now he's not an anxiety sufferer like we are, but he used to get it every single weekend when he drove 2 hours on an interstate to see me at college(the long drive stressed him out). And now everytime he complains about his "chest pain" or "bubble feeling" I'm able to pinpoint it to an anxious situation for him.

Last but not least, if there's one thing I've learned about health anxiety...it's that the more we think, worry, think, worry....the more symptoms we can create for ourselves. I have managed to convince myself that I've had oral cancer, esophageal cancer, a brain tumor, breast cancer....ALL AT THE SAME TIME! Then I would tell myself that that is just silly because what are the chances of having 4 different cancers at the same time? Try as much as you possibly can to not Google, think so much, etc. Try to distract yourself with something such as playing an online game. I know it's easier said than done but just try. :)

Well I hoped I could help a bit. Take care of yourself! :bighug1:

19-06-09, 08:02
i would get another opinioun if your not happy

Little El
20-06-09, 14:15
Hi Joe,
I too have very similar symptoms to yourself and in fact have just today been to have an eye examination due to my decreasing ability to drive without being a danger on the road! My eyes seem to jump from one thing to another, suppose it could be lack of concentration. I also don't feel particularly anxious about anything but according to my doc I have anxiety and stress - he put me on Citalopram a few weeks ago - I lasted 8 days - as if my dizziness wasn't bad enough, they just made it 100 times worse! I've now started on a herbal remedy recommended by a homeopathy specialist so fingers x'd it works!

Hope you get the answers you are looking for from the doc.

Little El:)