View Full Version : Sweats from anxiety give low grade fever?

19-06-09, 03:34
I know this sounds crazy but I am just wondering if anyone has just started sweating profusely for no reason and then found that they have a low grade fever? This has happened twice in the past month, and then within an hour, my temp goes back to normal, its really starting to freak me out, especially this week I have had muscle tightness in chest,shoulders, neck and back, the shakes, heart racing and horrible headaches that nothing takes them away but sleep. If anyone knows anything about this, please let me know!!

20-06-09, 06:58
Hmm, sweating lots, classic sign of anxiety, which judging from the other things you mention you're suffering quite badly from at the moment.

I've personally found I can go from feeling really cold to sweating lots in the course of a few minutes, when my anxiety is really bad I either need to put extra socks and tops on to keep warm, despite it being a decent temperature indoors or conversely I end up having to change clothes cos I've sweated so much.

Now, as to why you might find you have a temperature when you're sweating. Your nervous system is going haywire, it can tell your brain that you're actually a bit warm when you're not at all, it could do the opposite, you might put on extra clothes to dispel this feeling only to find that this is going to make you overheat, even if you can't tell cos your nervous system is telling you you're still cold.

Ruling out infections here, which from the one hour-ish cycles and repetitive nature I think we can, I'd put this down to simply your body doing what it does when your nervous system and brain don't quite happen to think they're as relaxed as they should be.

20-06-09, 13:56
thank you for your response, so I am pretty sure it can cause the body temp to rise, last night it happened again and I took a xanax and it seemed to help...my sweating completely stopped, i have just never heard of it happening before...i wish i could hear it from someone else who has had it happen also!

20-06-09, 18:14
It happenes to me - atleast once a week. I can be going through the day fairly normally and feeling unthreatened when all of a sudden an horrible thought goes through my mind -then I feel like a blast of flames is shooting through my blood system and my blood is boiling and trying to burn through my skin. Then I sweat profusely and the feeling goes away but usually by then I am in a full state of panic because of whatever my thought was.

Totally weird- completely freaky and I have no explanantion. My counsellor says it is anxiety. I don't know of any ways to try and cope with these little episodes but I hate them

21-06-09, 00:32
have you ever checked your temp when it happens?

21-06-09, 01:28
Hi. It happens to me almost daily. Sudden sweats or extreme cold. Even when I don't think I am particularly anxious.
There does seem to be a cyclic/hormonal link for me too. You don't say how old you are, but there could be pre-menstrual or menopausal links as well.

21-06-09, 03:32
I am 30 years old and I had some anxiety that started last year and then a few months later became pregnant with my third son, I was fine almost the whole pregnancy and then afterwards until this past february, I had my tubes tied and two days later woke up with full blown anxiety again, felt like i was dying, then got a hold of it and it comes and goes but I have been keeping track and it seems to me that it starts kicking in about a week before my period and then goes away after it. But this month it seems like its not going away,I am getting new symptoms and its on and off all day where it feels like i am gonna lose it at some moments...i try my best to ignore it but theres only so much ignoring i can tolerate!!! Does anyone know why it peaks around period time? Is there some hormone imbalance I could have? I just want to get to the bottom of it and get a grip on it so I don't feel like crap and like I am dying all the time, I just want to be able to take care of my kids and not have a week or two of hell every month!