View Full Version : Going back to work today!

19-06-09, 08:35

i am going back to work today after 4 weeks off with anxiety/depression. I cannot understand how I can feel so nervous about doing something that I have done for 10 years and enjoyed. Now I feel scared and incredibley anxious.

In addition I am waiting for some biopsies that were taken from some nodules in my esophagus. I am scared they might be malignant. If they are or not it looks like I shall have to have a major op in the coming months.

All I want to do is to go back to bed and sleep [it sounds childish I know] but I must try to fight my fears as I need this job to pay the mortgage. I have even resorted to praying for the courage to face the world. I feel such a coward.

Here goes nothing.......



Veronica H
19-06-09, 09:02
:bighug1: Going back is bound to be daunting. Try to take the day as it comes and try not to predict what might happen in the future with the dreaded 'what if' thinking which is afterall the main thing that feeds anxiety and keeps us ill. Stop struggling and just move forward today. You will get through it. You have done the right thing in not climbing back under that duvet because in the long term you would feel far worse about that, than you do about going back to work.
Try to put thoughts about the biopsy to one side and deal with one thing at a time....I know this is hard but you will just overload yourself with worry and that will stop you moving forward. Let us know how you get on.


19-06-09, 17:37

Work went well today - what a relief :blush:

Told my boss and my work colleagues about my worries and they said they would help me ease back in to work and support me if I had a bad day. My boss has given me an extra day off per week for a few weeks until I am back up to speed. I feel as though a weight has been taken off my shoulders and feel that this episode of anxiety is drawing to a close.

All I have to worry about is my health situation and it is to be expected to be anxious about such things. At least now I am in control of my emotions and feelings again, rather than being out of control and very desperate as I was 4 weeks ago.

I know I need to take it slowly but with the aid of medication and the support of my wife I am getting there - especially after today.



Veronica H
23-06-09, 14:33
:yesyes: Great news Tim.


24-06-09, 23:47

Work went well today - what a relief :blush:

Told my boss and my work colleagues about my worries and they said they would help me ease back in to work and support me if I had a bad day. My boss has given me an extra day off per week for a few weeks until I am back up to speed. I feel as though a weight has been taken off my shoulders and feel that this episode of anxiety is drawing to a close.

All I have to worry about is my health situation and it is to be expected to be anxious about such things. At least now I am in control of my emotions and feelings again, rather than being out of control and very desperate as I was 4 weeks ago.

I know I need to take it slowly but with the aid of medication and the support of my wife I am getting there - especially after today.



Hi there, am glad things went well today and you have the support of your colleagues and boss in terms of arranging a phased return and time off etc....this really can make all the difference, and its one less thing to worry about so its all sounding positive there , well done.

Best of luck with the health situation, hope all continues to go well for you.

25-06-09, 00:37
Delighted for you Tim - it's great to have the support of colleagues while you are going through problems - but that which dosen't break us makes us stronger!!! Good luck with the biopsies and take care
