View Full Version : Madness

06-09-05, 08:22
Hi everyone
Just wondered if anyone had more mental than physical symptoms?
I feel my anxiety has moved on a stage.
I can cope with almost all the physical symptoms,in fact i dont really notice that many anymore.
Now,i genuinely feel im going mad,or developing a mental illness like schizophrenia.The sensations i feel are very frightening,i can be doing something such as making tea and i suddenly feel like an intense "madness" setting in and it can last for ages.
What if i havnt been suffering anxiety at all,and what if i have made myself mentally ill?
I am so scared

Hunny [V]

06-09-05, 08:33
*What if i havnt been suffering anxiety at all,and what if i have made myself mentally ill?*

Fortunately for us both - this is impossible

Read Megs story on the home page. I had long serious convesations about it to my Bf.
Now he says he could hardly keep a straight face after the first few chats and there was no sign of it at all but he could see just how upset and scared I was.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

06-09-05, 09:41
Hellp Hunny,

The times I have felt like this and questioned my sanity run into the hundreds.

You started with anxiety and you still suffer anxiety.

Your brain has had enough of dealing with the physical symptoms so has decided to distance itself in order to protect you.

Sounds weird I know but believe me that is what has happened. I know because I went through exactly the same pattern myself.

I do not get ANY physical symptoms any more, only psychological.

Although hard to bear, they cannot hurt you or drive you into mental illness or any form of insanity.

Jude x

Be gentle with yourself....you just need some time to heal.

06-09-05, 10:13
Jude .. more progress ...



Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

06-09-05, 10:24
Hi Hunny,

Please don't worry you are NOT going mad. People who are mad arn't able to think there going mad they don't have any concept of it all.

Take care hun and I hope you can take comfort in others advice to. I know how worrying it is as one of my maine fears is that I will loose the plot! You won't be needing that straight jacket though honest I never had!!!!!!!!

Take care hun,


06-09-05, 11:27
Thank you for you replies.I wish i could feel reassured,i still feel that noone could really have felt this way from anxiety.
How do you know the difference(i know its been said that if you were going mad you wouldnt know),but what if its schizophrenia?
An ex boyfriend of mine died from that and although i was no longer in contact with him,it seemed terrifying for all concerned.
Im worried for my family.
In the past i have feeling when i thought i was going mad,but they seem like nothing compared to this.
Sorry for going on
Hunny x

06-09-05, 12:49
hi Hunny,

I often feel that my anxiety is more mental than physical. The physical symptoms disappeared after a while and I only get them every once in a while. My main problem is the fight that seems to go on in my head between my rational side and my irrational one!! Is this what you mean?

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

06-09-05, 13:08
Not really
I can be sitting talking to someone seemingly quite normally and suddenly ill be thinking, im going mad im going mad,whilst the other person is speaking.
I just have this feeling of not being able to think straight ,sometimes i think my behaviour is "hyper" and strange.I can look at pictures in magazines of peoples faces and feel like they are evil or they are going to jump out at me.
Its like an eternal buzzing in my head(without noise)
Now,i know this is not normal.Im scared that i will deteriorate further

06-09-05, 14:03
Hunny ..

I've been there, mine was more people on the telly though.

You're focusing on it ..thats all- so it makes it 1100xxx worse

I can assure you ,that you are as sane and sensible as us.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

06-09-05, 22:31
Meg is right in what she says hunny. We have been there and know exactly how this feels.

Meg has helped me so much over the past 12 months and I trust her. She knows what you are talking about and you must believe her.

I was so confused in both thought and feeling before I found this site. Meg and Nicola have been my guiding light. Put your trust in them, believe what they tell you and let them guide you to safety as they did me.

All the members here have experienced panic and anxiety, some to horrendous degrees. You are not feeling anything abnormal, strange or new. I promise.

Jude x

Be gentle with yourself....you just need some time to heal.

06-09-05, 22:42
Thank you all so much.Its good to talk to people that might understand

Hunny x

07-09-05, 11:55
Hi Hunny,

My heart goes out to you we all know how frightening this symptom can be. Mrs Anxiaty lives on are fears, to know and understand this is very hard. It takes alot of hard work support and time.
As you can see by the replys you are NOT alone.
Like everyone I had this feeling of going mad, Mrs Anxiaty had nothing else to grab onto but the fear of going mad.
Where you know someone who died from schizophernia so Mrs Anixaty harps on the what if's, she has found something which you fear the most and is playing on it.
I remeber sitting chating to a friend, I never new she had fangs, never noticed her teethe befor. Chating away I felt strange, suddenly the fangs stuck out, fear raged within me, they just seemed to be sticking right out. My thoughs where all over the place, thought I was going MAD.
I have in the past had horrible thoughts " what if I have made myself mentally ill. The truth is YOU CAN'T MAKE YOURSELF mentally ill.
This site and the speceal people on her have tought me that.
As I have said my heart goes out to you because for you this fear is real, it takes alot of hard work support and time to get your head round it all.
As Jude said, Meg is right, You are as sane and sensible as us.



07-09-05, 12:14
Thanks so much Jill

It just feels like noone else could feel like this and it "just be caused by anxiety."I think that the sensastions and feelings are so intense that it "must" be something else.
The ironic thing is i do fully acknowledge that i suffer from anxiety,its just that im now anxious because i think i have a mental illness and im terrified!Does that make sense?


07-09-05, 13:05
Hi Hunny

Of course it makes sense. You ask anyone on here " did you truely believe you where going mad" and the answer would be YES.
If you look through the site you can see Mrs anxiaty plays many tricks,
she has people believing alot of things, but thats how she survives, she lives on our fears.
I had been dealing wiht my daughter for a number of years with this disorder( she is doing very well now [^] so you would think I would be able to handle it if it happend to me. Oh no, when it happed to me last year everything I tought my daughter went out of the window and I could not bring it under control. It took this site and the special people on here to help me bring it under control [^] I am panic free and high anxiaty free.
You have made much progress in fully ecknowedging that you suffer anxiaty. Be proud of yourself Hunny.
It is hard work fighting Mrs Axiatys negative thoughs, what I always say is " its easy to fight with others, but the hardest thing is to fight with yourself" But it CAN be done Hunny, It takes alot of hard work, but it CAN be done. Start by reading through your replys and saying to yourself some positive words, eg [Wow!] I did not know anxiaty can do this to you, It's going to take time but I am going to get better. Anything that is postive.
This does not happen over night Mrs anxiaty with her negative thoughts will be there but keep fighting with your positive thoughts. Its a hard fight but one worth doing, You will win in the end.
I know you a terrifed Hunny but we are all hear to support you.



Believe it can be done
when you believe somthing can be done
really believe, your mind WILL find the ways to do it.
Believing a solution paves the way to a solution.

22-09-08, 08:21
Hi ya hunny, im having the same problem of feeling like im going mad, i know what you mean when you say about buzzing noise without sound, its wierd and seems to be the loudest sound in my head without sound. I dont know what to do when im like this, also the world around me doesnt feel real sometimes, ive had thoughts of just ending this as it feels like the only way out, im new to this site and i really hope i can beat this as it has changed my life. Just cant see how it can be done.

Dee. (struggling....real bad!)

24-09-08, 09:23
Thank you for you replies.I wish i could feel reassured,i still feel that noone could really have felt this way from anxiety.
How do you know the difference(i know its been said that if you were going mad you wouldnt know),but what if its schizophrenia?
An ex boyfriend of mine died from that and although i was no longer in contact with him,it seemed terrifying for all concerned.
Im worried for my family.
In the past i have feeling when i thought i was going mad,but they seem like nothing compared to this.
Sorry for going on
Hunny x

Oh my god, this is what I was feeling right at the end before i went back on my meds, you are not alone, it's an awful feeling i was very very scared, I told my mum and she said it was the anxiety but at the time you feel like you are just about to lose it.:weep:

28-05-09, 20:46
my problem is that i was once told that unless you hear voices or feel that someone is in your head you are not mad! now being an anxious person generally, i immediatley thought- s**t! what if i do start these symptoms!
this was 5 years ago and i hated working with this girl at work cos she was a goth and so obviosuly i equated her lifestyle to goth things-the devil etc. i was so sure i would eventually begin to hear her in my head- BUT I DIDNT!!!
i overcame this and now know that the feelings of being mental are just those- feelings. they always say if u fear you are going mad then you arent!

a minor problem is that I have been stressed for the last 2 months for the first time in ages. I thought i would be brave and prove to myself that I was stronger these days so I added her on facebook. not a good idea! i am again petrified that I will lose it eventually and worry about getting the truly insane thoughts of hearing voices etc

does anyone know how to overcome the anticipatry side of going mad? i think this is my main problem-losing control.
i have been good today apart from tonight so hopefully its just a really small blip and just "normal" anxiety

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29-05-09, 06:28
Yeeees. I know exactly what it feels like when that "madness" sets in.
A lot of people with phobias or anxiety have that.
I only get a few mild physical symptoms. A quick tightening of the chest. And then all of a sudden it is ON. I probably have temp. changes and breathing problems, but I don't notice because I am so FREAKED by the thought of going completely bonkers. Or being STUCK in that state of panic.
I'm glad you shared though, makes me feel a little less like a freak, you know?