View Full Version : foods etc that make anxiety worse?

19-06-09, 09:34
I have cut caffiene in fizzy drinks etc out of my diet and have actually noticed an improvement in my anxiety in genral some days like today I stillf eel bad (which is why i am hanging around on here so much today!) but I actually am able to make short trips on my own which is a huge improvment . I was wondering if there are other other types of food or drinks etc that could be influencing anxiety. I dont drink alcohol at all so thats not a problem :)

making a shopping list to calm myself and wondered what to buy!


19-06-09, 11:29
I find that if I eat alot of food with MSG in it I get panick attacks. I only go to Chinese resturants that don't cook with it now.

19-06-09, 13:40
Hi there

I always run to the freezer aisle when I feel a bit wobbly in the supermarket!
Diet plays a big part in keeping your anxiety at bay. Plenty of fresh fruit, veg.

For me, when I managed to calm myself, was to go for a big walk, rain or shine. Simply the best thing!

Best of luck.


19-06-09, 14:47
I find it hard to eat alot of food, so i try to eat soft or mushy things. Im currently going through a phase after i've something like a curry, i get really anxious, thinking i can not breath, or that im having an allergic reaction :(

19-06-09, 18:46
I've found that herbal teas and tonic water can dry the mouth, spicy snacks and meals can irritate and cause excess phlegm and chocolate bars are bad news for breath. I rarely drink pop because of the sugar content, red meat can cause indigestion.

I thought diet was only a minor factor so I went on eating the usual junk. I don't enjoy cooking so I'll have steamed fish and salad or a veg casserole; lots of pulses, beans and rice. If I pick up something while I'm out, I'll buy the healthiest sandwich because I know I'll eat it for the price. I don't like the bitterness of fruit so I'll throw them in a blender with a dash of honey and natural yogurt before having porridge which perks up skin.

I will happily eat something I dislike as long as it's healthy to fill me up and avoid snacking. I haven't found anything that calms me down but sugar and probably processed foods don't help.