View Full Version : pain is so bad, don't know what to do next

19-06-09, 11:17
I posted on hear a few days ago suffering with lower left sided abdominal pain which was dull in nature, but had been persistent for 2 weeks. In the last couple of days the pain has got more intense to the point that it is keeping me awake at night. I have a phobia of doctors, but I was so worried that I went yesterday, terrified of what it could be. The doctor tested my urine (normal), listed to and felt my stomach and said he couldn't detect anything. The thing is, when he pressed my stomach, it didn't really hurt at any point where he pressed. I can't pinpoint where the pain is coming from, but it is always there. I'm really worried about what's causing this. GP didn't arrange any further tests (said he didn't see any need at this point). When I told him the pain was actually really bad, he just said you can't always find a cause for pain and that severe pain doesn't necessarily correlate with anything serious. Anyone else had anything similar? What shall I do?

19-06-09, 12:01
your doctor sounds a bit useless. If it is bad pain he should have tried to find a cause even if it isnt serious!. or at least offered some kind of advice!
I would see a different doctor and tell him how much this is upsetting you.
could it be a muscle thing? so actually a muscle in your hip or side rather than anything more internal? Does it get better in certain positions,
the good news is that its probably nothing serious anyway :)


19-06-09, 12:22
thanks for replying Sophie
My doc's advice was to eat more fruit, drink more water and take paracetamol (?). Haven't taken any yet because I want to know the cause of the pain and not just mask it. Could hip pain radiate to your abdo, d'you think?

I used to think my doctor was good, but ever since he found out I suffered health anxiety a couple of years ago (never mentioned it until then) I feel like he doesn't take me as seriously as he might take someone who doesn't suffer with this. I only go to the surgery about 3 times a year so I am hardly malingering on the doorstep every day bugging him.:mad:

19-06-09, 14:40
Hi Darwin, i would call the doctors again if i were you. Dont make an appointment, just call and ask if one of the doctors can ring you back.
I've done this alot when i've been ill as i'm so scared to go to the doctors because of social phobia and agoraphobia.
Different doctors will ring you back on different days, so chances of you getting the same one again are low.
If the receptionist says you can speak to a doctor ask which one it will be, if its the one you've just seen just ring back another day.

So deffinately ring the surgery and ask to speak to a doctor.

If that doesnt work, speak to a chemist instead and see what they can suggest.
If i ever feel i need to see a doctor, i've gone to the chemist first and told thm my symptoms because they know alot of medical things too.

Take care xxx

19-06-09, 15:58
Hi Darwin, I'm so sorry that you are still in pain, and I agree with what the others have said to go back to the doctor or ask for a 2nd opinion. If the pain is keeping you awake at night then it needs looking at. If it gets really bad would it be possible for you to got to A & E at hospital? Or even a drop in centre if you have one near you. It is better than stressing about it. Best of luck.

19-06-09, 17:23
Thanks guys, I am thinking of checking out drop in centres near me. Unfortunately there are only 2 drs at my surgery, so there is not much choice about who I see / speak to. Wish there was a female GP but there isn't.