View Full Version : Need urgent help regarding sigmioscopy

19-06-09, 13:36
I just had one, I think I spelt it wrong. And I just passed a bit of blood, is this at all normal? And my stomach feels really dodgey and is a bit painful in areas :( im frightened :( also, the laxitives are still affecting me :( :( xxxx

19-06-09, 13:38
Oh and I should mention by saying I just had one I mean I had one this morning. I hate only just eaten something.

19-06-09, 13:51
Your stomach will be painful as they put air in when they do the procedure.

What did they say was the problem if anything?

19-06-09, 13:56
But im passing a bit of blood too :s um she said she thinks Ibs but has sent of samples

19-06-09, 13:58
Well if you have internal piles it could be that or did they take a biopsy cos that could bleed a bit as well?

19-06-09, 15:35
As Nicola said, you will get discomfort and a little bleeding is normal, especially if you have a bowel that is suffering from IBS. It is not a nice procedure and takes a bit of time to settle down. If you are still bleeding over the weekend, then I would go and see your GP on Monday, but as you only had it done today, then I certainly wouldn't worry at this stage.
Hope you feel better soon.

19-06-09, 20:17
I had some blood, it is where they took a biopsy from apparantely. I'm sure nothing to worry about :)

19-06-09, 22:56
Thanks for your replies :) can I just ask, did they take biopsies from all of yours? They took some from mine, is this normal?

19-06-09, 23:27
Yes I had biopsies taken and this was when they diagnosed Crohn's with me.

21-06-09, 11:09
So they only take them if they think something is wrong? Because didn't you have an inflamed bowel or something? They told me it was routine, but I think they naw have been trying to calm me down.

21-06-09, 22:57
They said to me, I remember the words.....everything looks fine, do you want to take a look on the screen (I remember thinking, no I don't!!!) We'll just take a biopsy whilst we are here. They can see most things..so no they take them most of the time I think....

22-06-09, 00:12
Thanks :) did you have to go for a consultancy thing with anyone after? To discuss the biopsies I mean .

22-06-09, 11:51
I did yes - I was referred to a specialist who officially diagnosed Crohn's.

Have they told you what will happen next with your results?