View Full Version : Boobs look different... freaking out!

19-06-09, 15:35
I'm just totally stressing myself out over my boobs.

I noticed under the shower today that I when I was standing straight, I couldn't see my left nipple. So I went to check in the mirror and right enough, my left boob is hanging a bit lower. I know this is normal for most women but I've always had pretty much identical boobs. Also, I occasionally get quite a bit of pain in my left breast, and some discharge from the nipple, but I've had that for years. I'm really stressing over breast cancer and I've always been 'breast aware' and I'm so worried about the changes.

Please help... any advice anyone? :weep:

Thanks xx

19-06-09, 15:51
Last year I had to go to the breast clinic as I noticed a difference in the size of my breasts and like you the nipple on the left one has disappeared from sight, now I am probably a lot older than you and so things are going to the south pole, but they told me that the majority of womens breasts are different sizes. I too have always had pain in thre left breast, but I do have regular mammograms, so its a good idea to just have them checked out. I presume you have asked about the discharge before and that it is normal for you. If in doubt - check it out. I am sure you will be OK.