View Full Version : Cant handle this negative house anymore

19-06-09, 17:21
Ive posted a number of topics in the past about living in this house and my parents but really stressed at the moment and wish to get it off my chest.

I honestly feel like Im about to explode. Every single day I wake up their shouting at me for something, Literally the other day I was making breakfast after just waking up and my mum comes in the kitchen complaining at something I did or didnt do :mad:

My dad has an OCD with cleaning and the other day I was wiping the table after having some old things on top of it and though to myself 'Oh no I hope im not picking it up' becuase he always does his wiping over the top infront of me etc.
I try talk to him about it and he tells me to just go away and he doesnt care about doing it infront of me and me picking it up. He does my head in with the hoover as well its on like 3 times a day for a good hour each time. He sometimes hoovers before going to work at 7am waking me up GRRRR

My parents are always arguing with each other every day and they say to me their not arguing its how they talk. Yeah funny way of talking.

This house is just SO SO SO negative. And moving out is not possible as Im going to Uni in 3 months, Oh how I really cannot wait to leave. That is the only time I can see myself getting better, Once Im gone from this hosue
