View Full Version : Morning Anxiety

06-09-05, 11:33
Hi all

My anxiety levels have been up for the past few weeks, I have been taking advice from this forum and have seen a counsellor.
At the moment I am taking vitamin B supplement, Co-Enzyme, Ginko Biloba and St Johns Wart.
I excercise first thing everyday - before starting work.
I go to bed at a regular time - after a relax in the bath and always get to sleep, but I do wake up several time. I try to get up at the same time also.
Not much of an appetite and the moment, but do eat fresh fruit & veg, mainly light meals, like pasta, chicken, fish and plenty of water and juices.
After the trip to The Deep as mentioned in a previous post and then to Leeds at the weekend, to collect a new car, two difficult things, but both manged.
I still find that I am waking up with butterflies and churning stomach and generally having a low-level of anxiety till about late mid-morning - never a full blown panic attack.
I generally only feel these things when their is some event happening like the above events.
I have taken a couple of kalms about an hour ago and been breathing and things are now on the up.
This level of anxiety is very disconcerting for me and positive thinking I find difficult - I keep telling myself that it is only anxiety and it will go away and try and concentrate on my work, I do find though that as a graphic designer the anxiety saps my creativeness.
I have a manageable level of work on at the moment, I feel in my mind that I am thinking about the anxiety far to much, but also find it difficult to turn this off.
Also I ran out of a couple of the above supplement last week and I don't know if this is co-incidence, but my level of anxiety increased, I mentioned this to the health shop person, I they said it probably would.
Anyone else have anxiety and certain times of the day?
PS: please excuse grammer or spelling.

06-09-05, 11:41
Hi mick, My anxiety levels on wakingwhere so high for so long. I used to wake realy scared and shaking , but for no reason, then this would continue untill late afternoon when then I would feel much better. But it does get better in time I still hate the mornings but dont feel half as bad as i did a while ago. take care Vernon

06-09-05, 12:04

My anxiety tends to be bad in the morning,but it actually peaks around late afternoon,im not sure why,but could possibly be partially due to a natural dip in energy/blood sugar at that time of day.
I think that running out of a remedy that works for you is likely to cause heightened anxiety,either by the physical effect of taking it or the psycological reassurance you feel from knowing you have it there should you need it.
I have a friend who used to have panic attacks,and she swore her "cure" was taking just one co proxamol tablet.This was obviously psycological,but as long as it wasnt doing her any harm why not?It made her feel better.Different things work for different people.

Take care

06-09-05, 12:30
Hi Mikey

I also feel anxious on waking, it used to be really bad, but is getting better, Also I seem to get anxious around tea time, perhaps as thats my tired time.

Barb xxxx

06-09-05, 14:03

I always feel worse in the mornings. I think with me it's the anticipation of how I am going to be when I get to work. If I wake feeling anxious I automatically assume that I will feel like it for the rest of the day. But 9 times out of 10 I'm fine after an hour or so of being at work. Provided nothing too stressful happens in that first hour!

I felt bad yesterday morning and couldn't bring myself to come to work. But today I made myself and now I feel fine. I almost feel silly for feeling anxious yesterday although I know it couldn't be helped.

Anyway you have done really well to do the tasks you mentioned. You need to pat yourself on the back for any achievements no matter how small they seem.

At one point I couldn't go to the supermarket without my husband, but now I can do it no problem. Some people may think it's silly but it is a big achievement to me.

I always have to have diazepam in my handbag. Even though I very rarely have to take one, the thought of not having any with me makes me feel anxious. I use rescue remedy instead of the diazepam but knowing I have them just in case makes me feel less anxious. So it perhaps is physcological.

You seem to be eating all the right things. Healthy food and exercise is really good to combat anxiety.

Keep up with what you are doing and I am sure you will be fine.

Take care

Emma xx

07-09-05, 18:33
Hi Mikey, Dont worry too much mate. I think its cos youre at your most tiredest upon waking but sometimes it can be mistaken for anxiety.