View Full Version : Where Is This Pains Coming From???

19-06-09, 20:31
Hi I'am Lisa and I'm 22 on Monday. My weight is about 42.4kg and my height is 4'10 petite.

It all started 2 and a half months ago. My family were coming to stay for a few days and i had to lend them my bed. So I had to sleep in the spare room. I generally wasn't feeling myself That whole day, I was feeling off and unhappy. I kinda forced my self to have a vodka with my family because i wasn't laffing with them and having a joke. (just one) But at the end of the night, I went into bed, all cosy and comfy. Then suddenly I felt dizzy and my heart was pounding. Went into my mums bedroom and she told me I was having a panic attack. Now as everyone thinks at the time. "Oh what's happening to me, I'm dying" Its the worst experience ever... So I ended up sleeping with my mum.

A week later I was still feeling horrible. So went to the doctors. Got a thyroid check and the results came back with a slight raise. I explained I was having panic attacks and feeling off. She prescribed me with Propranomol and Citalopram. Ok fine. I took them both, half an hour later, I must of had a reaction to them. I had to go back to the doctors under emergancy that day. The dosage was just too much for me, I was just like a zombie. My head felt like it was blowing up and putting extreme pressure on my brain or my skull not quite sure ( still, today I'm getting bad headaches/migraines or something in my head - feels like electricity is going round in my head, It mostly affects my right side of my head and the back, Doesn't feel very nice but has eased of a bit, but still is ruining my social life. I'm awaiting an appointment for a brain scan, not sure which type yet.

So after that, say a month and a half later. I came down with a sore throat so my doctor prescribed me with penecillin. It hasn't cleared up yet and its been a whole week after I finished my tablets. Ofcourse I went to the same doc again so he took a swob, He told me phone down on friday to get your results. Well I did but was not in yet, so I have to wait till Monday:mad: I also told him I've been having pain in my neck on my pulse. And feels like It will burst (still IS slighty painfull) Or a blood clot or something????

Description of throat/tongue: It' normal at the front, But at the back beside the lumps (at the back of your throat) I have a white coating just half way down my tongue, maybe is thrush? I don't quite know yet. Back of throat looks slighty red. I don't know if this is a concern but i have what looks to me a orange colour top of my mouth (bridge)

I've noticed near the end of my penecillin course I felt unwell again, dizzy feeling and I could'nt seem to cough right (Not that i needed to) But my mouth felt dry. It still does.
Also - last friday night, was getting into bed, went to relax. Then suddenly s sore pinching feeling in the middle of my chest, felt really uncomfortable. Couple of minutes later my left arm went funny ( i was not leaning on it) went cold and sore right down to my fingers then my left leg done the same. I never slept that night till half 7, then woke up and phoned my mum, she then phoned NHS and got an emergancy appointment at my local doctors. Got everything checked over such as an ECG, blood pressure, Pulse rate and temperature. Everything was Ok he said. But my arm wasn't. So he just gave me paracetomal. It came better the day after....I'm sure I been having something that night. I only paniced because I was in the house myself and I didn't know if i was having a heart attack or not. I'm I was also scared to phone my mum at 4.30 in the morning, she would get annoyed. And she would say 'your only having a panic attack, and go to sleep '. Oh yes that was reassuring:unsure: .

Then yesterday afternoon I was fine, no pains. Then I suddenly got a spasm across my chest, It made me jump up. Then my heart started pounding for no reason, It was a disturbing feeling.

So thats all mostly it all these feelings or whatever It is actually happening and I can't explain why.

Bit of background info: When I was born I had a hole in my heart that apperently closed itself. And a heart murmour. I had my left kidney out when I was 6, It wasn't working properly, so I'm left with one. At age nine I got my appendix out then later discoverd I had blood poisening in my intestines.
I have low blood pressure

And I was born with RRS (russell Silver Syndrome) It mostly about skeletol. height. I look a normal person though for sure. just that I'm small and I have learning difficulties.

please please help me out here. I would appricate any feedback/comments/experinces

Does a heart murmour affect you in later life? some heart disease or what?
So sorry this is so long
But thank - you for taking your personal time to read it through.
Take care.