View Full Version : Hello

19-06-09, 22:21
Have just joined as I have a lot problems but find a lot of my friends don't understand.

I have a wonderful husband who listens and gives me a lot of comfort when times are hard, so am lucky I have support at home.

I have 4 lovely kids who are always there with hugs.

I have had depression on and off for most of my life (quite bad a long while ago) but have coped very well for the past few years and managed to "shake off" things (have had the odd panic attack though).

However, a wonderful relative of mine who I am very close to, is dying and has got days/weeks to live and I am one of her main carers. I have kept it together for the past few months but am crying every day and am having terrible health problems (missed heartbeats, breathlessness, dizziness) due to anxiety.

Also, my husband has recently lost his job and so an extra burden to my anxiety :weep:

I saw a doctor today and he prescribed citalopram and haven't took one yet as I don't think I can cope with the side effects. I had terrible ones with prozac and vowed I'd never take another antidepresent.

I also suffer terrible phobias, anxiety and comfort eat which doesn't help.

Anyway, thats enough of me. Hope I can find some lovely people who can understand me. I am a good listener too :) xxx

19-06-09, 22:25
A huge warm welcome to nmp

so sorry to hear of the things you are going through right now, it must be so difficult.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

keep posting on the forum and we'll help you all we can.

best wishes

di xx

19-06-09, 22:37
Thanks Di :)

20-06-09, 09:14
you will find lots of support on here ,the people are all great and helpful:bighug1:

20-06-09, 09:35

Glad you found this site as I'm sure you will find the help and support you need.
I know how hesitant you feel about taking antidepressants as I've had some really bad experiences with them, although with Citalopram I didn't have problems going on or coming off them. You didn't mention the dosage you've been prescribed, but maybe you could take half each day until you get used to them, but please ask your doctor first, explaining your concerns.