View Full Version : New and Scared Head pressure/tingles BACK! after 3 years

20-06-09, 00:02
Hi iam new to the No more panic website, and I just thought I would share my story and hope for some insite. My name is brandi, and people call me Bee, I have had Anxiety since I was 17 years old. Iam now 27 years old. I guess my first major fear was just out and out dying. Like thinking omg! one day this is going to happen. Then it went from there to Heart issues, I have had open heart surgery in 92 I was 8 years old. I dont remember much about it. I then when I got to be abotu 17 I had my first Panic attack it shook me hard, I didnt trust my body anymore after that every little thing inside me felt werid. I felt like my head was outside my body like unreal. It did this for months me not knowing what was going on. Then the googling started. IT turned ugly Well I got better!! I was 21 years old and got married I was having really bad panic attacks during my marriage all in all I was not happy I was very depressed and didnt get the attention I needed. i tried all kinds of medications from Zoloft to prozac but I wouldnt stay on them or belive in them long enought to help me, I did use my xanax though. Well in 06! This is when the bigs stuffs started I was taking only xanax 2 mgs a day and I remember one morning waking up with a head pressure I always wanted to hold it and not let it go, I went for 2 CT scans and they came back great! I was happy and content but still had the pain and pressure well one day the pressure went away and then my head started tingling, I assumed it was stroke tumor anything i could think of MS. I went to over 4 nerologist all telling me it was anxiety! I was in dismay! Then i went to my regular GP and he told me hey take this Celexa and if you dont get better I will give you a MRI, I started taking it and I stopped panicing it was a hard process since i didnt like medication but i remember taking 5mgs 10mgs then 20 mgs.. then stayed on 20 it took 8 months almost to get it all going. I got really better didnt even think about me head. I divorced my husband and I met the man that Iam with now. He is my everything.
*************************TO DATE AS OF NOW****************
I was good for 3 years I will admit It was rough for maybe one day or so but never anything bad, Last July I went to a friends house and she was smoking something illegal that makes you have the muchies and well it freaked me out. I thought i was going to go into a coma all kinds of things.. just really dizzy weired headed freaked out. I went and got another CT scan this is 3 yers later, came back fine just some Sinuntitis. Well, it went away and I went off my meds I have been off Celexa for about 8 months. so Its been a while, Well my fiance that have been with me this whole time i have gotten better just went to jail for 1 year! I really didnt freak out I got my stuff and went to my parents. I was to busy worrying how I was going to get him out. Then I got a viral infection I got really sick, and then BOOM i woke up one morning and the headpressure was back! I have the tingles now too. Its soo werid. I dont understand it. I have been to my Regular doc, they gave me antibotics took them didnt do anything, Iam on day 20 of the head pressure ont he right side only. and the tingles and neck stiffness and dizzyness, I went to the ER with this 6 times so far diffrent ER all say the same anxiety or headache or i dont know.. siiigh it just gets so annoying. I dont know what to do.. I was just wondering if anyone else out here has had this issue or it just me do i have somw weird mystery illness? Iam so lost. I look up pressure ad head tingels and brain tumor comes up!!! I had 3 CT but online it says a CT can miss stuff that is mass, I cant get a MRI I dont have insuerence and I guess Iam just freaking out!! this is CONSTANT! I dont know what to do from here. Please share if you have had this or if you know what it could be..

Thank you so much!