View Full Version : im off on holiday tomorrow im worried please help

06-09-05, 11:40
hi everyone im off on holiday to cornwall tomorrow but im terified what will happen.ive been at my worst the last few weeks and had the worst attack yet on sunday lasting 8 hours. i was put on beta blockers and they have slowed it too much i now feel breathless and generally worse with them. im in 2 minds weather to go or not. i dont wanna have a bad time like i did on my last holiday in june, i no its my choice weather 2 go or not but id like to know how others have coped with going away while being terrified...cheers all

06-09-05, 11:48
Hi leslie, You go on holidays once you get there you will feel much better and the change will take your mind of the PA. You are only scared as you are thinking about it to much, you said last time you had a bad holiday? Its not the place that gives you a PA its you. It can happen even if you dont go anywhere so please dont spoil your life and end up with agrophobia too. If you dont go you will feel so down that you didnt try. An holiday will make you feel so much better and proud that you went when you return. I know its so hard but beleive me dont put anything off becouse of anxiety, this will only make the anxiety worst, Go and enjoy, take care. Vernon

06-09-05, 11:57
hi leslie.
i know how you are feeling, im going on holiday next wednesday to greece and i cant get out off it as my sister is getting married out there and im bridesmaid.
But i know that i will feel so much better as soon as i step of the plane and even better after the 45 mins transfer.
Go on holiday and have a great time.


06-09-05, 12:45
hi Leslie,

You have to go!! You can't let Mr. Panic beat you!! The anticipatory anxiety is always the worst. Once you get there, you will start to have a good time and forget about your anxiety..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

06-09-05, 14:29
cheers all i will let u no how i get on.....thats if im still here thats my favorite saying ive said it everyday for 5 years and i still am lol

06-09-05, 14:35
Hi Leslie,

Just remember the saying about your safe place being with you wherever you go.

Like Vern says its not the place its us. This could be just what you need to refresh you. Sometimes what's got me out and about before is if I already feel bad at home then I havent got much to lose by being out then.

You have a lovely time - then tell us all about it when you get back.

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

06-09-05, 15:34
Hi Leslie,

I know exactly how you are feeling!

I went away for a week in August to Devon, and for the whole of the 6 week period between booking it and actually going, I was in a right state.

However, on the Saturday morning when we went, as soon as we left home I wasn't half as bad. I too had tried to think up excuses not to go, but I had a brilliant time once I got there. I wont deny I didn't have a few little panics, but I coped with them and was so pleased that I had gone.

Have a lovely time, Leslie!

Kate x

21-10-05, 15:01
just to let everyone no i did go on holiday i was a nervous wreck the whole week and hated the train journey. but i still did have a gd time although walking up the hills made my heart race a lot and scared me silly...

21-10-05, 15:11
**thats if im still here **

And yet again you are !

Well done.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?